Sly fox Part 2

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* It opens With Cyberfox breathing deeply as she stands up. Her fox chain's hiss and snap at the Grandmaster.

" You are not a Grandmaster. You are nothing but a user. "* Cyberfox trembling trying to stand up as blood Goes down her arm *

* The Grandmaster kicks her she stands strong. * " How dare you I am the Grandmaster you will be turned. And so will sub-zero. "

* Cyberfoxes eye's lose light. * " You will not harm him. " * She make blue fire in her hands and shoot it at him *

* He disappeared and appeared behind cyberfox. Her fox chains wrap around his neck and start choking him. * " You little. "

* She turn around her eye's are cold. * " Die. "

* Sub-zero and the other's come in running full tilt. " CYBERFOX! "* sub-zero yells as he runs in he stopped. * " Cyberfox the Grandmaster. "

* Cyberfox look's at sub-zero her eye's are cold. Her chain's still choking the Grandmaster as he gasps for air. *

* Raiden and the other's come in. * " Jax help Nightwolf Kitana , Kang take out cyrax " * They run and do as they are told. * " Sub-zero... ?"

* He just keeps looking at cyberfox. * " Cyberfox let go. "

* She ignored him as her Fox chains let go just enough that the Grandmaster could breath as the skulls open around his head. * " Die. "

" CYBERFOX NO! " * Sub-zero tackles her making them let go of the Grandmaster as he falls to the ground passed out. * " CYBERFOX THIS IS NOT YOU STOP IT!"

" Get off of me what are you doing ? if he is dead we won't have to worry about him. Trying to turn us. " * She said cold with know feeling. *

* He pins her arm's down. * " Cyberfox he is out cold you don't have to kill him. Stop it do you even hear yourself. "

* The other's just watch the seen. *

" But I thought that is what I am supposed to do. Me and you where raised to kill. Why fight it. "

* Sub-zero slammed his fist into the ground it cracked. * " CYBERFOX YOU SOUND LIKE THEM THIS IS NOT YOU STOP IT ! "

* Cyberfoxes body shakes as light Goes back into her eye's they show fear. * " Z-zero. " * Her voice shakes. As her Fox chains disappeared. *

* Sub-zero helped her up and hugged her tightly. * " You don't have to be like that again. You have a choice just as I do. "

* Raiden look's at the Grandmaster knocked out along with cyrax and Sektor. * " All take care of them "* he opened a portal as they disappeared into it then closing. * " The rest of you clean up this mess. "

" Hay hold on this is not are fault. " *Sonya said wall crossing her arm's. *

" Just do it the more help the faster we can fix this mess. "

* Kitana puts her hand on Sonya's shoulder. * " We need everyone's help. "

* Nightwolf was banged up as he looked at them. *

" Are you alright Nightwolf ? "

" Yeah Cyberfox was the one that took the beating. " * He said sounding worried. *

* Sub-zero helps her walk over to Raiden and Nightwolf. * " Thank you Nightwolf for helping hold them off. "

* He rubs his head. * " It was nothing but is she alright? "

* Sub-zero look's at her then look's away. * " She needs medical attention. All take her.... "

" I am fine Sub-zero I don't need. "

Cold embrace Sub-zero x CyberfoxWhere stories live. Discover now