The lost brother ( Part 1)

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* Sub-zero look's at Cyberfox with confusion. * " Noob? "

" What kind of name is Noob Haha. "* Jax laughing *

" He is dangerous he wanted to kill me... And he said how is sub-zero doing. I never seen him before. "

* Sub-zero thinks*" I never heard that name before. " * He said looking at Cyberfox. * " But who ever they are they hurt you. " * He look's angry*

" Hum... There is nothing we can do for now let's go back to the base " * Raiden said as he teleports back to the base. *

* They all nod and get into there Dragon jet's. Sub-zero puts cyberfox in the seat behind him. * " Cyberfox sit tight we will be back soon " * he gets in his seat*

" Don't worry I drive better then you boyfriend." * Stryker said with a smerk. *

* Sub-zero look's annoyed. * " let's just get her back so she can rest. "

* Cyberfox smiles as they make it back to the base. *

* Sub-zero walks in the base holding cyberfox up as she tries to walk * " Take it easy all get you to bed. "

* She blushes* " Thank you sub-zero. "

" So you are taking her to bed hummm. " * Jax said *

* Sub-zero just walks past him with cyberfox. *

" Everybody's critical... " * Jax said with a sigh. *

* Sub-zero lays her down in the bed gentle and covers her up. He look's at her and cleanse some blood off of her face. * " I am sorry. "

" Zero it's okay it's just... Blood.... "

* Sub-zero Smiles a little. * " Cyberfox let's just get some sleep. "

" What do you mean by us emmm. "* Blushses shy as he Lay's beside her and hugs her close. She hugs him back. She hears his heart beat and grips his straps. *

" Humm is something wrong Cyberfox? "

" No it's perfect. "* She said as she falls asleep in his arms. *

* He holds her close as she sleeps. * " Good night my Fox. " * Sub-zero fall's asleep. *

* He feels like someone is watching him.*

" Sub-zero. "

* Sub-zero opens his eye's and look's around he is surrounded by darkness. * " Who are you? "

* The voice get's silent. *

" ANSWER ME! " * Sub-zero yelled as he ran towards the the voice he Hurd. *

" You have forgotten me.... "

* Sub-zero look's around trying to see who it was. * " Who are you. " * The darkness grabs his arm he tried to get away. * " let me go stop Ahhhh. " * Sub-zero wakes up in a cold sweat he grabs his head. As he breathes deeply. *

* Cyberfox wakes up. * " Emmmm zero are you alright. "* She rubs her eye's looking worried. *

" Emmm I ... I am fine just a bad dream. " * He look's down. *

* She hugs him from the side. * " Zero what was the dream? "

* He holds her hand on his arm. * " I don't really know someone was saying.... You have forgotten me. "

* She holds his hand showing support. * " It's alright it was just a bad dream. "

* He look's at her and holds her hand back. * " Cyberfox I. "

Cold embrace Sub-zero x CyberfoxKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat