1. Jily

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Lily was laying in bed, trying to sleep, but the entire Gryffindor tower was shaking with the bass of the music. She had told everyone that a Tuesday night was no night for a party. Nobody, not even Remus, listened to her. She gave up and walked out into the common room where almost everyone in the house was dancing to the music. There were too many people in too small of a space. There were also too many empty bottles of firewhiskey lying around. Lily crossed her arms and scowled, leaning against the archway at the bottom of the stairs to the girls dormitories.

Eventually, she caught sight of just the four boys she was looking for. The Marauders. Of course all of them, except Remus, were the drunkest people at the party and they were being completely insane. Remus was sitting on the window sill reading. How he read under these circumstances, Lily had no idea. Peter was upside down on a spinny chair going in circles. Lily didn't want to think about how that was probably going to end. Then her gaze landed on James and Sirius. They were on top of a coffee table ballroom dancing together, even though the music was nowhere near the right music for that.

James looked over to the girls dormitory stairs and caught a pretty red-head's eyes. He turned to Sirius and loudly whispered, "She'sss prettyyy cmmere annd help me flirrrrt!" Sirius nodded enthusiastically and they jumped off of the table, both falling to the ground and laughing. When James looked up, Lily had her hand over her face, trying to hide a smile.

Lily watched as her boyfriend and his best friend un-tangled themselves and walked over to her. James gave her his best smile that he could manage at the moment and said, "Why hello fair lady howwssgoin? Youlooook prettyyy haha."

Lily just rolled her eyes and smiled. "Why thank you."

James cocked his head to the side and said, "Are you ssssingle? Youwanna go outwwwith mee?"

"Sorry, mate, I'm not single."

Sirius, who had been trying to braid a strand of his hair with great concentration the whole time, looked up and gasped while elbowing James. "Ooooooo you got REJECTED by her mate ahahahah!"

James' eyes started to well up and spill over with tears. "Why don't you LOVE ME," he cried. "Youresooo PRETTY... whasyour name 'gain?"

"Goodnight, James. I'll have the hangover potion ready in the morning." Lily walked back up into her bedroom. James continued to sob.

"IT DIDN'T WORK PADS WHAT WERE WE THINKING?" He ran up to the boys dormitories and flopped down dramatically on his bed. Sirius jumped up next to him and proceeded to shove James off the side and onto the floor. James just groaned and stayed there.

And that's how Lily and Remus found Sirius and James later. One on the bed, one passed out on the floor.

Remus shook his head and chuckled. "How did we end up with them?"

Lily laughed. "At least he didn't try to ask you out, and then start crying when you said you weren't single!"


Inspired by this tumblr post by black-the-star:


(this post is also the heading of the chapter)

𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now