Movie!Hannibal Smith x Younger!Fem!Reader || Now

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Plot: After the events of the movie Hannibal finds you (Undercover of course- also, note: I wrote this after I watched the movie and before I started the show. Otherwise, I would've given him some costume and an accent XD) and wants to feel better so bad- he throws his cautions about being with you, a younger lady, to the wind. 

Warnings: Sexual references (Not nasty or anything though) and the occasional curse word. 


I'm sitting worried as hell at my usual bar watching the news, just hoping I'll see him there

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I'm sitting worried as hell at my usual bar watching the news, just hoping I'll see him there. Hoping he doesn't do something stupid and get himself hurt or worse- and hating that this is such a normal feeling at this point. 

I ask Carl to turn up the TV when I see his face, finally, flash across the screen. I start listening intently, completely abandoning the wine I just ordered except for to nervously touch at the stem. Oh god, what happened?? I new this plan was awful, god, what happened-

I gasp, almost whacking my glass over when a figure grabs my wrist firmly and catches the glass as if he knew it would fall before he grabbed me. I look up, wide eyed, to the person. He's wearing a long black coat and he's got a big scarf around his neck covering his mouth and nose and a large rimmed fedora on his head. I know who it is instantly, though, when I look up at the eyes and see a shock and grey-white hair under the hat and immediately relax again. At least, I calm down about the fact that I'm safe- but Hannibal certainly isn't if what the TV just said is true. Not out in the open like this. I let out a relieved breath but am still tense in case anyone see's him. "Oh my god... "

"Yes, it's me." Hannibal turns and gestures with a flick of his arm for Carl to turn off the TV. I look around at anyone who might possibly be looking and find no one, thankfully. This does little to calm my nerves though as I try to catch his eye with a serious look of my own.

When he wont meet my eye in favour of watching the room, I just hiss at him. "What are you doing here-"

He finally meets my eyes. "The plan went great, Y/N," I sigh, and relax at those characteristicallu gruff words. I almost smile and take a sip of my wine- I would have. If it weren't for the disguise and the frustrated look in his eyes telling me all is definitely not well. The smile slips from my mind. "We caught Lynch, and Murdoch is fine... Unfortunately, though, breaking out of jail is still a crime. Luckily Face had a key for ours cuffs, though, so we escaped. We' re on the run."

My jaw slowly drops through this quick, abbreviated version of what happened. "Oh my god," I say for the second time tonight because of him, and his grip on my wrist tightens a bit as I watch him close his old, weary eyes for a moment.

After that moment's over, he opens his eyes and we're on the move. "Come with me," I get up instantly when he asks, grabbing my coat and putting down a 20 on the bench. Hannibal starts pulling me outside, burying his face down in the scarf. My hearts beating so fast in worry for him. He's on the run! The lamb!! What if he gets caught?? He could be facing a life time in jail! When we get outside to the cool night air he continues to lead me down a street purposely until he stops, breathing heavy to turn and look at me seriously. I realise, vaguely while he's looking at me so handsomely, that we're at my apartment building, and its oddly attractive to me that he knows so easily how to get here. "Y/N, do you still want to... " Even in this angry state of his, he still cant pronounce the word 'fuck' in the sense of me and him. I find this weirdly cute, in the moment. "With me?"

"Uh, yes," I reply. Like, duh. What a silly question. "But not right now!" I shake my head, holding him at an arms length and trying to explain to him, caringly, that if I'm right about what I assume he's up to, he needs to take a step back and think. "You've been saying no, I'm too young, for months now and I know exactly what's changed. You aren't in your right mind... " I don't want him hurt. 

"Y/N, I'm fine." He's so serious, so angry. It worries me.

"Hannibal... " I shake your head, slipping my wrist away from his grip and instead tangling my fingers through his. "I want to, I do. I've had the hugest crush on you forever and," I chuckle. Obviously. I've never made any effort to hide it. "Well, you know that. And I know one day you'll realise you like me too but, not now. Right now you're angry, and upset and frustrated. I want to do this right, and you being like this when it happens... it's not right, that way. It's not the way I want it to happen." I tilt my head to the side and squeeze his hand. He's looking at the ground, unreadable except for the fact that he's thinking. I lean up and press a kiss to his cheek, before letting go and turning to walk off.

"Y/N-" His voice is gruff and unbelievably sexy as he steps forward and surprisingly grabs my hand back. I whip around in shock. What- "Yes, I'm frustrated, implausibly so. But this is also because I want to." He assures me with those soft eyes, and then Hannibal comes forward so close that our joined hands between us almost have our arms touching, pulls roughly down his scarf and kisses me. For the first second I almost push him away, but then I realise I've been waiting for this for too long, and instead I push back into the kiss.

It's a great kiss. Its like when you've been waiting for your food for far too long at a restaurant you've been excited for all day and finally get it and you feel the happiness and hunger all the way through you. In every bone, every crevice of me is happy sexual tension because it is finally getting what its been aching for for so long. His lips move over mine like I always expected them to- with wanting and the sense of knowing exactly how. Not at all like the boys I've been kissing, all sloppy and broken. Which is also nice, but- He kisses like a man, deliciously and perfectly and 10 times as 'nice'.

When he pulls back for big gulps of air, I think he's going to stop and say something else, but he just catches his breath quickly and gets right back into it, enveloping my mouth with his and- oh, I can barely feel my legs. I have to let go of his hand and hold onto his coat to stay standing. Who knew he could kiss this well? Who knew a kiss could do this to someone? Oh man.

The loss of the grip on my hand sends him to reach for anything on me he can grip, which turns out to be my waist. We kiss so feverishly, so much like we'd been waiting for this for years and want to make the very best of it that he pushes me flush against the closest wall. I open my mouth wider in hopes to deepen the kiss and, oh god, it does. A moan fly's through me and into his mouth, which he takes and pulls back. He cups my face and looks down at me with this really gorgeous look. Like I'm perfect, to him.

"Can we go up to your apartment now, darling?"

Darling? Oh jesus christ superstar I'm doomed.

My-My apartment? I blink up at him with round eyes, then look around and remember where we are. Oh, right, my apartment... I look back at him and nod. "Yes, lets." 

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