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I opened up the door to my house and went to my room. "Y-Y/n come here..." I sat down my backpack and came back to the living room where my dad was. "I-I'm so sorry sweetie...your mother died this morning in a car accident..." Those words hit me like a bullet. 'Dead...?' The word replayed in my head over and over. "I-I'm going to go on a walk." I got up and didn't even change out of my uniform before walking out the door.

Could you guys meet me at the park? Please...

Sure Y/n! I'll be there in a sec!

I picked up speed as I soon broke out into a run. I was pulled back and onto the ground as soon as I got there. "Y/n?! What are you doing here? You look pretty scared. Did you see a squirrel or something~?" Bakugou pulled me up from the ground by the collar of my shirt and got in my face. "You gonna answer me?" "Put me down." He smirked and threw me down. I got back up. "Listen here Katsuki. I'm not in the mood right now. Just leave me the hell alone." "Oh Im NoT iN tHe MoOd RiGhT nOw~ see how stupid you soun-" He was cut off by a fist connecting with his nose. Dark red blood flowed down his face. "WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT NO MEANS YOU ASSHOLE! I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY MOM DIED!" Tears ran down my chin and through my shirt. "..." I stomped away from him with various gazes following my trail. "Y/n...?"

(Denki pov)

I finally got to the park and spotted Y/n across the lot. Bakugo grabbed her and threw her to the ground and started talking to her. She punched him and started screaming and crying. "-I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY MOM DIED!" She ran in the opposite direction which happened to be to me. "Y/n...?" She pulled me into a hug and I quickly hugged her back. "I just got here. All I heard was about your mom..." I lied straight to her face. We walked to a bench and she cried into my chest. 'So Bakugou is the bully? How am I gonna get him to leave her alone...' A small voice invaded my head and spoke to me.

'Kill him'

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