A sly fox Part 1

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( Part 1 )

* Opens with Sub-zero and the other's on a mission. Sub-zero gets a message From Nightwolf. He answer the call. *

" What is it Nightwolf. ? " * Sub-zero said. *

* He look's tired. * " We had a brake in at the base. She put up a fight but I got her locked in a room. "

* Sub-zero and the other's watched this. * " We are on are way. " * The call gets cut off by sub-zero they all go back to the base in there Dragon jet's. *

* They all walk in and look around the base look's trashed. *

" Wow who ever she is she sure knows how. To throw a party. " * Sonya Blade said. *

* They see Nightwolf at his computer the screen was broken. * " No no anything but that. "* Nightwolf said. *

* Raiden appears. * " I was gone for a few hours what happened ? "

" That is what we are trying to find out. " * Jax said.*

* They all look at Nightwolf. *

" I was on my computer. Making sure know portals were opening. And I see a fox on the screen close to the base. I don't think anything of it. Then I see a woman walking around with it. It seemed out of place. I turned on the base defense. And go back to what I was doing. And before I new it she was jumping out of the vent. " * Nightwolf said like he was confused. *

" Wait .... Fox was with her ? " * Sub-zero said like he new something. *

" Yes and she was beaten up pretty bad. Why I was so surprised she put up such a fight. She was asking where you were sub-zero. I just told her know one here by that name. Then she got angry she yelled. I know he is here I was told to go to the mountains were the dragon Goes. That is here. I tried to get her to calm down I was going to. Help her with her injuries but she was not having it. "

* Sub-zero look's worried. The others notice this. *

" Are you alright Sub-zero you look like. Someone broke your favorite toy. " * Jax said. *

* Sub-zero seemed to not pay attention. *

" Then what happened ? " * Kitana said. *

" We'll look at this place it is trashed. That is what happened. " * He said frustrated. *

" So let's see her then. " * Sonya said with sassy tone. *

" Ok but be careful. "* Nightwolf said as he pushed a button opening the door. *

* They all go to walk in but sub-zero stops them. *

" Hay what gives sub-zero ? " * Sonya say's. *

" Let me she was looking for me right. " * He said like he was telling them. It's his way for now. *

" Hummm alright Sub-zero go ahead. " * Raiden said like he felt something was up. *

* Sub-zero nodded and walked into the room it was trashed. * " Hello anyone here ? "* He said like he wanted to hear someone. *

" Hummmm something is up. " * Raiden said. *

" How so Raiden ? " * Kitana said *

" I can't put my finger on it but.... It seems like he knows something we don't. " * His eye's flash of lightning. *

* Sub-zero See's two glowing eye's and hears snarling like a dog. * " I do not wish to hurt you. " * The head of a fox can be seen a little from the dark. He show's his teeth. *

Cold embrace Sub-zero x CyberfoxWhere stories live. Discover now