ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ

Start from the beginning

"N-No you're coming with me" Izuku tried to reply, knowing that convincing her to do something she didn't feel was right, would be close to impossible.
He held her hand, pulling it close to him, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"Izu, there's no point in both of us running around together. You run and find him, I'll come as soon as I can" she smiled. She took her hand away from her friend.
Izuku watched the flames glow brightly reflecting their light on her skin as she stood in front of him. The scene behind them was horrifying, but he couldn't help notice how the golden light from the flames beautifully went with her complexion.

"Please come back to me" Izuku whispered, taking a few steps back, ready to run.

"As if I'd ever let you climb your way to the top alone" she winked "now go".
She turned and ran over to the heroes, leaving her friend behind to run in search of their classmate.

"Hey kid get away!" one of the heroes shouted, as the girl approached them.
She ignored the request and activated her quirk, her strings coming out of her hands and wrapping around one of the Nomu's necks. She smirked, feeling the difference in power between this one and the one from USJ.

Let's have some fun with this

She pulled herself in to the air, the wild creature trying to claw away the webs around his neck. Y/n landed herself on the rampaging beast, pulling on her strings tightly.

"HE'S CONCENTRATED ON HIMSELF, EVACUATE THE CITIZENS" she shouted from on top of the Nomu. The heroes watched her dumbfounded, the thought that a kid had just come out of no where and was helping them like that not processing in their head.

"Come on, you heard the girl! Let's get them out!" one of the heroes nodded, pulling up two injured people and moving them.
Y/n turned her attention back to the hybrid under her and clenched her teeth, feeling it rebel violently under her control.

"Stay still you damned thing!" she shouted, pulling upwards, trying to knock the Nomu out.
People watched the young student standing on the beast, one of her feet squishing in to its exposed brain.

"Isn't that the girl from the Sports Festival?" a small boy asked his mother, pointing at her from far away. His mother nodded her head while his older sister recorded the scene with her phone.

"Wow! She's controlling that giant monster!" the child beamed excitedly as the three of them moved to safety, encouraged by the heroes in the area.
Y/n felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and looked around her. There weren't any more civilians in the way and she noticed a few other heroes arriving. She also noticed the Nomu under her give in, collapsing on to the ground in a heap due to asphyxiation.
She jumped down on to the ground, deactivating her quirk.
She took out her phone and looked at the location, smiling to herself.

I knew you could do it Izuku

"I have to do something, I'm sure you can fight at your best now that the area is clear" she said, running away and waving at the confused heroes.
They looked between each other and shrugged, before turning back to the inferno behind them. They smirked, knowing that they could go all out now that the people were safe.

Y/n made her way through the various dark streets. She looked around, making sure no one was in the area.

If they've found the Hero Killer, this might get messy

As she searched the area, she suddenly noticed a huge flame and shards of ice appear in between two buildings.

"That definitely looks familiar" she smirked, activating her quirk and pulling herself on to the building's roof. She crawled over to the street and looked down.

Why are Iida and Izuku on the ground... and isn't that a pro hero on the floor too?

She looked over at the scene underneath her. Iida was lying face down on the floor near a collapsed pro hero that she recognized as Native. He was also hunched over, leaning on the wall. Izuku was also on the ground.

"Shoto" Y/n breathed, seeing the boy with the unique hair standing in front of who Y/n could only assume was the Hero Killer.
She watched the two standing fight but hissed as she saw Stain close in on Shoto.

He lacks combat skills, even I could get a few decent hits in close up

Y/n quietly activated her quirk again and wrapped her strings around the top of the buildings on both sides of the street and slowly lowered her body behind the fighting two.
Izuku noticed her in the shadows and nearly called out her name before quickly shutting his mouth.

She's going to do something stupid, but if I call out to her it's going to be even bloodier than it already is

Stain got closer to Shoto, wielding his knives, trying to cut him. The boy on the other hand backed away, using his fire to try and keep the distance between them.
Y/n touched the ground with her toes, letting go of the top of the buildings and had her strings swirl around her frame.
She lifted her head and locked eyes with Izuku who shook his head no.

Don't do it, get out of here

She smirked, cracking the joints in her fingers.
"Now now, who forgot to invite me to the party?" she asked.

Shoto looked past Stain and his eyes widened as he looked at the girl standing there.
His messy hair softly swayed with the wind, his flames died down immediately.
Stain turned towards her and his face contorted in to a frustrated look.

"You kids just don't know when to give up, huh"

OK OK, we had some badass moments in this and I just really hope you like y/n's character. I'm trying to keep it "realistic", I don't really enjoy the stories where y/n is just either super overpowered or always the damsel in distress, so I'm trying to find a decent balance. Ok byeee <3 ~Ali

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