"Thank you, and yes I'll be there. My time here has been amazing and I'm kind of glad that there are interns who took over. I will be communicating with my husband but it feels right here, everything feels right," Alex replies.

The food finally comes after chitchatting for some time, everyone eats. On both sides of Hotch, are Athena and Jack, and on Athena's side is Elle, who is helping her eat.

Hotch pays the check and they all walk out. "One last thing before today ends. Let's get ice cream."

"Bossman is being too kind today, isn't that suspicious?" Penelope whispers.

JJ laughs, holding Henry's hand. "He's opening his heart out, he's becoming soft, most likely because of Emily. Have you seen him?"

"We talking about Hotch?" Luke asks. "I mean I met the guy less than a year ago but he's different from what Emily and Elle told me. He's not as strict, when it comes to cases anymore."

"What can we say? He's happy and Emily's happy," Elle joins in. "But the cases we have now are so much different from what I remembered."

Penelope holds Luke's arm as they walk to their cars before separating. "Does anyone know if Emily's going to work for the BAU? She's not working for Interpol anymore. And she has no job."

Elle sighs. "She just wants to spend time with Athena."

And it's true. Emily was not the family type but when Athena was born, everything changed. She basically dropped everything for family. After Athena's birthday weekend, Emily called Walker.

"Walker, I'm so sorry, I can't take your offer. Everything's finally falling into place and I can't lose it."

"You don't have to apologize. I understand," Walker answers. "And I'm guessing that you want to resign."

Emily takes a seat after pacing around. "I hate to say it but yeah. Luke and Elle are planning to work at the BAU. Aaron Hotchner is speaking with Erin Strauss soon."

"Well, I'll definitely recommend Luke and Elle. And I'll recommend you when you're ready. Thank you for your service Agent Prentiss, Interpol appreciates it. And as for being your friend, this isn't goodbye. I'll see you soon and maybe you can have Pending Chief of Interpol Matt Simmons, as one of your contacts if needed."

She smiles. "Thank you Walker, and bid my congrats to Matt."

These past few months have been a little life changing too. And one of these changes is Elle moving out to go live with Derek.

"Auntie Elle, you can't go."

Elle turns around. "I'm not leaving forever, I just can't live with you anymore. But that doesn't mean I don't love you."

Athena pouts as Elle cups her hands around her face. "I love you so much. You're practically my kid. Don't worry. I'll always visit and we can have sleepovers. Auntie Penelope's Chocolate Thunder will protect me."

"I love you too."

Elle gives her a kiss and stands up, looking at Emily. "Wow Emily Prentiss, things changed so much."

Emily wipes her tears. "I know, I thought it'd just be the 3 of us but look at you, moving in with Derek and I'm back with Aaron."

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