part thirteen

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~Y/n pov~After talking to the girls last night i knew Kay was right, i needed to perk these boys up since they're all tired from tour

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~Y/n pov~
After talking to the girls last night i knew Kay was right, i needed to perk these boys up since they're all tired from tour. So this morning i woke up really early, went and got eveyone coffee, and then woke them all up and demanded we do something until the show tonight! They all groaned and whined as i yelled and woke them all up but i didn't care they were going to listen to me and i was going to make them all have fun today!

"boys what do you guys wanna do today, i'm making sure you all have atleast a little fun today before tonights show so what's the plan?" i demand at the sleepy, grumpy boys. "umm we could play fortnite?" zach replies "she said something fun zach" jonah responds to zach and i laugh. "we could go skateboarding?" jack suggests "oh yes. let's do that!" daniel excitedly replies. "jonah, zach, corbyn is skateboarding cool with you guys?" i ask and they all slightly nod their heads, "alright grab a board boys, we're gonna have fun today even if it kills you!" i demand trying to pep everyone up

So we all grabbed some skateboards from some local store and headed to an empty parking lot to have some fun. Corbyn was still all grumpy and acting weird but i was determined to make him smile before the day was over! Jack, daniel, and jonah all already knew how to skateboard and corbyn wasn't even trying... now for zach and i we just couldn't figure it out.

~Corbyn pov~
Y/n woke us all up super early this morning with coffee, bagels, and a bright big smile, We all slowly crawled out of our bunks and into the living area of the bus where y/n said she was determined to make us all have a fun time today. I'll admit i miss having fun with her and joking around like before, but she'd probably rather do all that with jonah now. I've been acting so rude towards her and i feel bad about it but i just can't shake the feeling i felt that night when i seen her with jonah. Even though it's gonna hurt me, i'm just going to push my feelings deep down and have fun today. Atleast if i'm having fun it'll make her happy, and that's all i want is for her to be happy.

We all headed out to go skateboarding like Jack suggested, i actually loved skateboarding but i wasn't in the mood for it today. I was skating around a little while and then i just stopped and watched jack and daniel try to teach y/n how to stay on the board. She was so determined yet couldn't figure it out, everytime she'd fall she'd bounce right back up with a laugh and try again. Her laugh was so amazing everytime she would laugh i'd catch myself smile a little, ugh why do i have to like her so much?

~Y/n pov~
After awhile of falling and crashing about a million times i was kind of able to atleast stand on the board while i pushed my foot on the ground. zach still never got that far though. We all had a good morning skateboarding and corbyn finally seemed to have perked up a little, i'd catch him smiling every once in awhile when i'd glance over at him, I told the guys lunch was on me so we all went to Chipotle, zach's choice, and sat down at a table to eat "well i hope you all had atleast a little fun today, you guys have been a little grumpy towards the end of tour" i said picking at them, they all laughed and there was a couple "no's" i heard amidst the laughter.

After eating we all headed to the venue before the show, we all got out of the uber and i waited up for corbyn who was trailing behind the group. "hey so did you have fun today?" i asked him with a smile "uh yeah i did, it was fun" he said smiling back. "well hey so since tomorrow's the last show of tour i was thinking maybe you'd wanna go out and get dinner with me tonight before the last show tomorrow?" i asked him hoping i'd finally be able to tell him how i feel. "just me and you? You don't wanna go to dinner with jonah or something?" he said kind of confused.

"uh... what? No i thought you might wanna go have dinner with me, but if not that's fine if you don't want-" i was saying until i was cut off by corbyn "oh yeah well that's fine then, i'll have dinner with you" he said with a small smile as we walked into the venue. Okay well now i know i'll have corbyn alone... so now i just have to muster up the courage to actually tell him how i feel. I have to make sure tomorrow night goes Perfectly.


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