part nine

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~Y/n pov~I woke up and was cuddled up to a snoring jonah on the couch

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~Y/n pov~
I woke up and was cuddled up to a snoring jonah on the couch. I got up very gently to not wake up jonah and headed to the kitchen, i woke up really early and nobody else was awake yet so i grabbed a bottle of water and headed upstairs to see if any of the guys were awake. I peeked my head in a couple rooms and all were sleeping and then i peered into esthers room and Corbyn was sitting up on the bed on his phone. I went up and sat down beside him with a big smile "good morning corbyn, looks like you and i are the only ones awake" i cheekily say "yeah" he mumbled

He seemed upset but i just brushed it off cause i figured he was still half asleep since it was really early. "So you wanna go grab breakfast or something?" I asked "uhh no thanks i'm actually gonna go for a walk" he said quickly before getting up and walking towards the door "but it's freezing out?" I say as he walks out with no response. That was weird, but maybe he's just having a hard time after his break up with Christina.

I walked back downstairs and jonah was finally awake on the couch "good morning mr. Snoreville" i teased "oh come on i don't snore that much" he says in a deep morning voice. "Are you kidding me, you were rattling the walls from snoring so loud" i reply, he laughs and says "okay fine, i snore a little... I didn't even mean to fall asleep here anyways" he says "me either i was supposed to sleep in svea's room" i replied "but hey i'm hungry wanna go grab some breakfast before we head back to LA?" I ask him "yeah sure, i'll drive my car" he reponded "hey can i come?" I hear daniel whisper yell as he comes from upstairs "sure" jonah says. and then we all got in jonahs car and left.

We went to some café that jonah said was always his favorite when he was home and then all sat down to eat I kept thinking of how weird corbyn was acting this morning so i told the guys about it. i also decided i'd tell them how i feel about corbyn because at this point they're like my brothers now and i know they won't say anything. "hmm that's weird and totally unlike corbyn" daniel said "he's probably just having a hard time after his breakup with Christina, you should give him his space and then when he's ready maybe you can tell him how you really feel" jonah reassures me "thanks guys, you guys are like the brothers ive never had" i say "of course, you're like our little sis now we gotta have each others backs" jonah said and i smiled then we headed back to jonahs house.

 "hmm that's weird and totally unlike corbyn" daniel said "he's probably just having a hard time after his breakup with Christina, you should give him his space and then when he's ready maybe you can tell him how you really feel" jonah reassures m...

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~Corbyn pov~After seeing y/n and jonah last night i was so crushed, i've really developed strong feelings for her and seeing her with jonah broke me

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~Corbyn pov~
After seeing y/n and jonah last night i was so crushed, i've really developed strong feelings for her and seeing her with jonah broke me. When she walked in this morning all happy and beaming i just felt sad, i felt like i wanted to cry and I didn't want her seeing that so i left. I got up and walked out without looking back or stopping to talk to her, i just needed to go clear my head. I went outside and walked around jonahs neighborhood until my hands were so cold my fingers felt like they could fall off, and then i went back to jonahs and him, y/n, and daniel were all gone somewhere. I was kind of glad though because i knew if i seen y/n and jonah together again i'd feel that heartbreaking feeling all over again.

We got the bus all packed up and ready to head for the LA show tomorrow. After awhile y/n and them come back and got all their stuff packed onto the bus. They were laughing and talking and it just made me sad... so i told jack if anyone needed me that i'd be in my bunk napping because I didn't feel good. I felt fine, just a little let down because i had a little hope in y/n feeling the same way i did... but evidently i was wrong. I could hear everyone pile onto the bus and get ready to head back to LA, so then i just rolled over and went to sleep.


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