Chapter 1: The Perfect Mistake

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*13 years ago, the night before the final internship day of The Rooftop kids*

POV: Oboro

Rooftop Gays💙🖤💛


Sleepy Caterpillar🖤: Zashi WHAT THE HELL! Its late, I'm tired.

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: YOU👏 ARE👏 ALWAYS 👏TIRED!!!!

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: RIGHT OBORO!!!

You: yea, guess.

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: SEEEEEE SHO!

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: Wait hang on!

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛:What's wrong our cloud?

Sleepy Caterpillar🖤: I'm coming to your room. Who do I need to kill?

You: Nobody Sho!! I just have a bad feeling about tomorrow... but I'm sure its nothing.

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: Welllllll tomorrow is our last day, your probably just nervous that's all!

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: We will make you feel better! Normal spot when when we get off at 5?

You: Yea. I would like that, and so would Sho~

You: Sho is blushing so much rn! OMG!! Its so cute!

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: HE ACTULLY CAME?! AWwwww EEEEE! LET ME SEE!! Gosh its only been a week and I miss you two!

You: you made him leave. :C

You: and we miss you too!!!! 💙

Sleepy Caterpillar🖤: Ok ok since everyone is fine now how about we all GO TO SLEEEEEEPPPPP!!

You: WHY Sho!? FINEEEEee~ XD

You: Night Guys. 🌙💙

Loud Bannurnur🍌💛: NIGHTTTTTT! 😘💛

Sleepy Caterpillar🖤: Night🖤


Oboro turns off his phone and sets I back on the nightstand. Laying in darkness once more. Thinking. Alone with his thoughts. Despite the reassurance can't shake the uneasiness in his stomach about the up and coming day. But since its another long grueling day tomorrow and its already late. Reluctantly chooses to push the doubt away and go to sleep.

The next day just felt longer and longer, and with that the bad feeling got worse and worse. Feeling the overwhelming need to keep Shota close as there work day slowly came to 5.

POV: Shota

Shota however notices throughout the day of patrolling Oboro was being super clingy. Something was clearly making him upset, but he will wait for Zashi! It's most likely nothing! Right... Oboro is just nervous that today is the last internship day. As he was in his own head he got pulled out by a "SHO!".

He quickly look over at Oboro to see what was wrong and was just met with pleading eyes and finger pointed at a group of nursery kids on a field trip on the other side of the street. He sighs knowing how much he liked kids and the cute face he was making. "But we are supposed to be patrolling" he said trying to plead with the cloud. But that just make Oboro look sad. *Sighs* 5 mins.

Next thing he knows there across the street over with the kids. They where all pretty happy that the hero was talking to them and giving them cloud rides. With him just watching from afar to make sure his Boyfriend does not kill the kids. When he gets a phone call....


Nemuri: "Shota you and Oboro need to start evacuating the area!"

"Why what's going on?"

Nemuri: "Some villain named Garvey broke out of prison!"

"Ok, but why do we need to evacuate the area?"

Nemuri: "He has a very strong quirk called Shock." "It allows him to absorb, store and release attacks from his enemies." "He already defeated The Buster Union!"

Oboro: *runs over*

Nemuri: "Yes before you guys ask, Zashi is fine." "I got to go His Purple Highness is holding him off by himself" "Just evacuate the area" Byeeeee


Shota quickly tucks his phone away and turns to the kids ready to evacuate them when Oboro taps him on his shoulder. "Sho you have to see this". They where both met with a giant frog like creature coming deathly close! Taller then most of the buildings. "His Purple Highness cant hold him off for long Sho. We need to get these kids away NOW".

POV: Nobody

Shota and Oboro quickly return to the nursery kids to evacuate them, but Garvey arrives much sooner than they would have expected. His Purple Highness appears and attacks the villain while ordering them to put the children safe. Shota is surprised to see that Garvey releases one of his lumps that contained Hizashi's  and uses it against His Purple Highness, throwing him against a building, and then continuing to attack him.

The powerful attack caused by the giant frog like creature caused serious damage to the building, which begins to crumble over the children.

POV: Oboro

I turn around from fighting to see a building starting to crumble and the children still there. Without even thinking I quickly use my quirk to create a  cushion to protect them from the falling building. Then everything seems foggy and all I see is black.

When I finally come to everything I hear the screaming and crying of my boyfriends and quickly jolt up to see Shota and Hizashi crying holding something. I walk closer to them reaching out "Hey its ok I'm right- when I was stopped by an invisible barrier. "HOLY SHIT IM I DEAD!? THERE HOLDING MY BODY! But... I'm right HERE?! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! ZASH, SHO I'M RIGHT HERE I'M OK PLEASE DONT CRY!"As I speak the barrier turned a glowing blue color" That's when I heard it.

"You got me the wrong one but... he will do I guess~"

Be honest if its bad. I kind of abandoned this when the war arc came out. In addition I'm not a writer. Any who if you read trough the bad grammar and spelling congratulations the next chapter will be 10000000x juicy and longer. Mainly because Its so easy to write about my boys! Until next time.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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