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Stoner grabbed a leather suit and put it on. He ran as fast as he could back to the vents. He made his way back to where the group was.

He was too late. Everyone was gone. He could see them floating around in the slime. Stoner became determined.

He grabbed a rope and pushed through the green wall of goop. He tied each crew member to the rope. The side effects of Polus Slime included slight unconsciousness, so they could barely move on their own. Stoner managed to drag everyone out of the vents. 

The Skeld landed at MIRA, and Stoner pushed everyone and all the stuff out of it. He knew what he had to do to make sure the slime never came back. He took a gas can and lit it. The fire would blow it up at any second. Stoner pressed the launch button.

The crew all woke up. They noticed the ship launching. They all greeted each other, happy to know everyone was alive.

"Hey, where's Stoner?" Captain asked. 

"I'm coming!" Stoner called from the ship. He jumped out.

The slime wasn't finished. It shot at Stoner and managed to stop him from exiting.

"Come on guys, crew ladder!" Mr cheese said.

"As much as I hate you, that is an egg-cellent idea." Mr egg replied. The crew stacked on one another, with Captain at top. Captain sliced his hand through the slime and broke it. Everyone fell. The Skeld took off.

Looking through a telescope, Blue saw the ship explode.

"It has been done." Blue announced.

"At least we are all safe." Angel said.

Poopyfarts farted.

"Stoner, amazing work." Captain said.

Everyone agreed.

"Aw, thanks." Stoner blushed.

"We can always take another ship, so this is the best possible way to eliminate the Polus Slime." TheGentleman said.

Everyone agreed with that too.

"And look, I managed to keep some!" Stoner said.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Veteran asked.

"As long as that little bit of slime doesn't interact with more Polus Slime, it should be perfectly safe to test on!" Engineer said.

Everyone was happy they could research on such an interesting subject.

Stoner did develop Blennophobia that day.

But that was the least of his worries.

Hehe cringy story go brrr

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