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"Hey, Cassie, come look at this!"  Varian exclaimed.

The woman looked at her husband.  They had been married for about four and a half months at this point.  Raising a brow, she put her sword up and walked over.  "What is it?"

"Look into that?"



Looking into where she was told, she found nothing interesting.  "I do get-Ahhh!"  She screamed with surprise as there was was a sudden puff of air burst out at her.  She stepped back, her hair pink and disserayed.

Varian burst into laughter.  "Got you!  You forgot, it's April first!"  Cassandra flew into a fit of caughing. Varian stood up.  "Cassie, are you ok?  It didn't make Eugene cough, I'm sorry!"

She drew in a deep breath putting a hand over her mouth.  "Excuse me," she ran to the trashcan where she threw up.  Varian's face grew pale.

"This isn't normal!  I'm getting the nurse!"  He said, running out the door.

"Varian, it wasn't the chemicals..."  she said hoarsely, but he was already out the door.  She sighed.  She was just dealing with a bug or a spell.  It was just that the scent of the blast of chemicals had been the final straw.


"So you've been sick for a while now?"  The nurse asked her.

"Yes, I just thought it was a spell that would pass, but I suppose it's been going on for a couple weeks now," Cassandra admitted.

"I see..." the nurse turned to Varian.  "Well, it wasn't your chemicals that caused it, otherwise, I'm certain you'd be in much worse state if that were the case."

"So, what's wrong with her?"  Varian asked anxiously.

The woman chuckled.  "Nothing.  It's only natural for this to happen sometimes to married couples."

"I'm lost..." Varian frowned.

The woman put her supplies back in her bag.  "Don't worry, it shouldn't be something that nine months can't handle."

"Nine months?"

Cassandra's eyes widened.  "Nine months!  You mean I'm..."

"Yes.  I'll be seeing you frequently, I believe."

The world was spinning around her.  She wasn't ready for this, but she supposed she had it coming. It just was a shock to was happening so soon.  Her and Varian hadn't even had the chance to really talk about it yet.

Cassandra looked at Varian who was still confused.  She suddenly remembered that her husband didn't know much about these sort of things.  It just wasn't talked around him, due to the fact that he was never actually around someone that was pregnant.  Then she saw his eyes widen as if the nine months suddenly made sense.

"You mean like the nine months that make me a dad, kind of nine months?"  Varian asked.

The nurse nodded.  "Yes, now, I have soilder downstairs that broke his hand.  I must go."  She left the couple.

Cassandra stood up from where she had been sitting on the bed.  Varian immediately pulled her into a hug.  "I'm going to be a father!"  They kissed.  "Can we tell my dad?"

His wife laughed, but nodded.  She knew that when he got excited, he bubbled over and had to talk about it.  So they immediately went to the council room where Quirin, the king, Eugene, Hector, and Adira were.

"Dad, we need to talk.  Is that ok?"  Varian popped his head through the door.

"Is it important?"

"Yes, but it can wait," Varian admitted, realizing he had picked a bad time.

"No," Edmund said.  "We're only bickering.  Go ahead and take care of what he needs, it will do more good than what we're doing."

"Thank you," Quirin said.  He went into the hall and closed the door.  He looked at his son and Cassandra.  "What is it?"

"I'm sorry, but we really couldn't wait to tell you!"  Varian said as he pulled his dad into another room.

"Tell me what?"

"Remeber how you told me that you wanted a rocking chair for when you became a Grandfather?  Can you tell me how exactly you want that to be like?"

"That's what you pulled me out of a meeting for?"  Quirin raised a brow.

"Well, I gotta start working on the chair now."

"Now?  But-" his eyes widened as he looked at his son's wife.  "She's..."

Varian nodded.  "You're going to be a Grandfather!"

Cassandra smiled at them.  Maybe she'd be just fine.  Perhaps she was ready, or maybe she wasn't.  Either way, Varian was happy, so she was too.  This was going to be a good thing.

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