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Jay's mom?

"Jay, come here" She said it in a serious tone.

Jak quickly got up and approach her. She grabbed him and shut the door. The atmosphere in the living room suddenly changed.

"What just happened?"

"I'm not really sure. What should we do now?"

"I mean, it's already pretty late. We should probably go back home"

One by one they got up and say goodbye to each other. Leaving me alone. My phone suddenly got a notification notifying Jay texted. He said he have to go home.

"Heeseung hyung?" Someone suddenly called. I thought everyone left already.

"Jungwon? Youre still here?"

"Yeah, I don't think I'm coming back home soon. Can I sleepover here hyung?"

"Sure. First off, please help me clean this mess"

Jungwon and I are pretty close. He's like my brother, no, he's my son. My cute little son, just like me.

A few minutes has passed, cleaning the mess that a bunch of crazies created. Wow, they almost destroyed my apartment room.

"I'm going to take a walk outside, you're coming?" I asked Jungwon. He nodded and we walked outside, around the neighborhood.

We then stopped at a café. This café looks new. Ive never seen it before. Also its open 24h. Which is great because I go out more often at night that at day time. Even though I rarely go out these days.

'cafe -land'

The sign says. Pretty weird name, but I'm weird too. The place looks very neat and cozy. There's not a lot of people considering it's already late at night.

We then went inside and ordered a few drinks. Then, we sit on a table of two. The atmosphere here is nice. It's really calming. I should hang around here more often.

Our orders came and we chatted for a little while. I can't believe winter break is ending. I'm gonna be a senior soon. Wow, I'm on my last year of high school and I'm still single huh. Atleast I only have myself to take care of.

"Hyung I'm sleepy already. Let's go back" Jungwon said with a yawn.

I payed for the drinks and we walked to the door and passed someone who looked oddly familiar.

We then go back home and take a nice, peaceful sleep.


cafe -land // enhypenWhere stories live. Discover now