Chapter 3: encountering Wrath

Start from the beginning

I nod to her and pocketed the shard and continue exploring around the area and killing lesser ghoul demons. once done we head towards a tunnel that leads underneath the building which we jump down only to hear the whimpers of a woman. we turn to see a human woman survivor scared out of her mind.

woman: please... no just, just, just. just. just kill me I-

Fury: oh stop your blubbering human! come to me.

she shakes her head in a no motion meaning that she's too frighten to come near her making me let out a sigh.

Y/n: that is no how to do it Fury.

Fury: think you can do better?

Y/n: of course. *to the woman* easy, miss we're not here to hurt you. rather we're here to get you to a safer place than here.

woman: h how can I know you won't trick me?

Y/n: have you heard of the Dark Knight Sparda?

woman: yes.

Y/n: he's my grandfather. I'm one of the Grandsons of Sparda you can trust me.

Fury then approaches the woman in a non threatening matter and bring out the Bridge towards the woman who hesitated for a moment, but I nod to her ushering her that it's safe. the woman then touches the Bridge as a bright white light appears around the woman then she disappears meaning that she was transported to Haven.

Fury: idiots, it's a miracle they ruled the Earth for so long as they did.

Y/n: there are more to humans that meet's the eye Fury. you just got to look at the right angle.

we then look around to see a odd orange wall that we can't go through, but we then see a vent large enough for us to fit. Fury was first to enter as I follow after her which smelled a bit, but it didn't bothered me, but Fury said something that made me laughed.

Fury: *grunts* it smells like Death in here. 

Y/n: how would you know that?

Fury: Trust me. We shared a room a thousand years ago.     

A/n: honestly this made me laugh and made me imagine the two sharing a room.

I chuckled a bit as we exit the vent to see we entered an underground sewer, but with a bunch of bug demons below us as we were on the platform above then. on our left we see another plate to summon Vulgrim which we activate for future use and jumped across another platform the had eggs which burst revealing smaller demon bugs.

Y/n: let's rock.

I pulled out my pistols and fired at the bugs on our left while Fury took out the ones on our right and proceeded on while taking out the eggs that block our path along with any smaller demon bugs that hatch from said eggs. we then jump down as we see two larger bug demons I put away my pistols and bring out my red rebellion and take on one of the demon bugs while Fury took on the other, I started with the stinger move stabbing my sword into the bug and followed up by launching it in the air followed with slashing it a couple time and finish it off by slamming it down back to the ground cutting it in half. I turn to see Fury finish her's off by slamming her whip down on the bug killing it.

Y/n: these things are just too easy.

Fury: you can say that again. a bug will always be a bug no matter the size.

we then jump back up the platform we were on and see a pipe that Fury can swing us across which I wrapped my arms around her as she swings us across to the platform on the other end. we then enter a large room with two large pips for Fury to swing across one end of the room, but we look down to see more bug demons below us.

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