Arriving at the Court of Miracles

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Maria's POV

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" I ask Esmeralda as we enter the cemetery. I never really liked the cemetery. It grips me out. I only came once a year to put flowers on mum's grave with father.

"Yes, I grew up there remember" she reminds me. I sigh and tighten my grip on the cloak she'd given me. She had gotten us both a hooded cloak each to hide our identities.

"So how did you become a gypsy?" I ask her curious.

"It's in my blood, my cousin and I lost our parents. We had no one but each other, until a gypsy elder found us. And took us to the court of miracles" she tells me.

"Cousin?" I ask.

"Clopin" she states.

"You're cousins?" I ask shocked.

"Shush" she shushes me.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly.

"He talks about you a lot" she tells me. "The judge's daughter, who visits his puppet shows. Dances with the children in the street. He is quiet smitten" she explains and I blush. "And you are too" she says with a smile. "Just do me a favour, don't break his heart" she tells me.

"As long as he doesn't break mine" I tell her. She smiles and we reach a tomb stone with a stone coffin in front of it. She moves the lid to reveal stone steps.

"Get in" she tells me as she hands me the torch. I do so and go down a few steps. I wait while she closes the stone slab behind us. "Stay close to me, you don't want to get lost down here" she tells me.

"Wouldn't dream of it" I assure her as we descend the stairs. We reach a stone corridor and head down it. "Father never think to look for you under ground" I tell her as I look at the stone walls. "But what about the stone walls? I thought gypsies don't do well in them" I say confused.

"We don't, but it's not like we have much of a choice" she tells me. As we enter a partially flooded chamber, lined with skeletons.

"We're in the catacombs, aren't we?" I ask her creeped out by the skeletons. I feel like they're watching us.

"Yes" she says. "They should be around here somewhere" she murmurs.

"Who?" I ask her confused. Suddenly the torch goes out and I scream gripping her arm. Then the chamber is fully lit by torches, and we're surrounded by skeletons. "Esmeralda" I say scared.

"We're fine" she assures me. "They just guard the entrance tunnel" she states and lowers her hood. As Clopin appears without his festival mask. "Clopin" she says with a smile.

"Esmeralda, we worried you were lost to us" he says and hugs her. "Who is your friend?" he asks me as the skeleton men stand down.

"A friend of yours" she says with a smile and I lower my hood.

"Nice to see you again Clopin" I say with a polite smile.

"Maria, what are you doing here?" he asks me surprised.

"I could no longer live under my father rule and wanted freedom. I wish for sanctuary in the Court of Miracles" I tell him.

"But how did you escape the cathedral?" he asks us.

"We climbed down with Quasi's help" I tell him.

"She is quiet the acrobat" Esmeralda tells him.

"You are always welcome in the Court of Miracles" he tells me smiling. "Come, lets get out of this tunnel" he says holding a hand out to me. I take it with a smile and he leads us away from the guards as they retake their positions.

We soon arrive at a complete underground town, teeming with gypsies. "It's not much, but it's home" Esmeralda tells me.

"I think it's amazing" I tell them.

"You can bunk with me until we set up your own bed area" she tells me.

"Thank you" I say.

"I'll give her a tour Esmeralda, go see the others. They all worried about your safety" Clopin tells her. She nods her head and hugs me before leaving with Djali. "I'm so glad you're here" he tells me as we head down to the town square.

"So am I" I tell him honestly. "Is there a place to get new clothes and bath?" I ask him.

"Yes, I will take you to the clothes area and Esmeralda can show you to the female bathing area later" he tells me. I smile and nod my head. "We don't have many stores. But we all eat together morning, noon and night" he explains.

"Do you perform also?" I ask him.

"When there is no work to be done, we party" he tells me smiling.

"I look forward to my first party then" I tell him smiling.

"Oh we always throw one in honour of a new members" he tells me. "So you will experience one so enough" he assures me. "Thank you for looking after my cousin and helping her escape" he adds.

"She and Quasi did most of the work" I tell him sheepishly. "You know, there was another reason I wishes to leave my old life" I add.

"Oh what reason be that?" he asks me curious.

"You" I tell him while blushing slightly. "My father wanted me to marry the new captain of the guard. But I don't and never will love him. Also he'll never love me, but father would still make us marry. He'd never let me marry the person I choose" I explain.

"Well he has no power over you anymore, you're free my angel. I will show you a whole new world, if you let me" he tells me. He holds a hand out to me. "Do you trust me?" he asks.

"With my life" I say as I take his hand. He smiles and takes me to the clothes place. I look through the racks and piles. And choose a new outfit. He takes me to Esmeralda and leaves to go do some gypsy leader things.


Pictures above of the ambush and court of miracles. Picture on the external link of the cemetery.

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