Time Skip Six Years

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Maria's POV

It's been six years since I gave birth to Celeste. Today is her sixth birthday. I found out I was pregnant a few days ago. Though she sees Zephyr as a brother. She has always wanted younger sibling. As Zephyr always reminds her that he is older. We celebrated his birthday a few days ago. He enjoys being an only child.

Anyway Clopin is keeping Celeste distracted while Esmeralda and I set up her party. Quasi, Zephyr, Djali and Pheobus are with them. "Do you think she'll like the kid?" I ask Esmeralda.

"Of course, she loves Djali" she reminds me.

"Do you think she is ready though for such a responsibility?" I ask her. "You were already a teenager when you got Djali" I remind her.

"She's a smart girl, she is ready" she assures me. "When do you have to pick the kid up?" she asks me.

"At noon" I tell her.

"Then go, or you'll be late" she tells me. "I can finish up here" she assures me. I smile and give her a hug before leaving. I go to a farm on the outskirt of the city.

"Ah Maria dear, so glad you're here" an elderly man says.

"Sorry I'm a little late, was setting up the party. Is the kid ready?" I ask.

"Yes Nutmeg is" he says and whistles. Soon a mother goat and her kid appear. "You have meet Cinnamon and this is her kid Nutmeg. I hope you don't mind us naming her. My wife has a thing for spices" he states.

"She's perfect" I say with a smile as I pat her. "I'm sure Celeste will be fine with her name" I add. "How much do I owe you?" I ask him.

"Nothing at all, as long as you keep buying your pro-juice (Not sure about the spelling) for us. It's our gift to Celeste" he states.

"Thank you, I shall let her know. I'm sure she will visit you often with Nutmeg" I state.

"She's welcome any time, have a good time" he tells me. I tie a rope around Nutmeg's neck. I then leave with her in tow. I go back to the party area to see everything is prepared.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the food. Then the guest of honour will arrive" Esmeralda tells me. "She's gorgeous" she adds giving Nutmeg a pat. I smile and go to the small pen set up for Nutmeg. I place her inside and she curls up on a bed of straw and falls asleep.

Soon the food arrives and the guests start to appear. Then the men appear with Celeste. "Surprise!" we all yell.

"Wow" she says in awe. Clopin puts her down and she runs over to me.

"Happy Birthday Celeste, I want you to meet Nutmeg" I say leading her over to the pen.

"Wow, she's gorgeous" she says.

"And she's all yours" I tell her.

"Really?" she asks looking from me to Clopin.

"Yes my dear, but you'll have to take good care of her" he tells her.

"You'll be her primary carer, but we will be here if you need it" I add. She smiles and goes to greet Nutmeg with Zephyr and Djali. Soon the party is in full swing. Celeste and Zephyr playing with the other kids.

"This has been a hit" Clopin says as he hugs me from behind.

"I agree and I think getting her a kid was the best gift so far" I tell him.

"I don't know how we'll top this next year" he states.

"I'm sure we'll find a way, we always seem to do" I assure him.

"Sure do" he says with a smile. Just then slow music begins and couples start to dance together. "May I have this dance my angel?" he asks. I agree and we start to dance.

(Time skip)

We're in Celeste's room. "But why can't she sleep in here?" she whines.

"She is an animal, besides she is sleeping in the shed" Clopin assures her.

"Celeste honey, do you remember what else you've been wishing for? Aside from having a goat like your aunt?" I ask her.

"You mean my wish about having a younger sibling?" she asks. We nod our heads. "What about it?" she asks us confused.

"I'm pregnant honey, so you'll have a little brother or sister in under nine months" I tell her.

"Really?!" she asks excitedly.

"Really really" Clopin says tapping her on the nose. Making her giggle.

"Can I name them?" she asks.

"Maybe, we'll see" I tell her.

"Is he or she growing in your belly? Like little Tony did in Esme?" she asks.

"Yes honey" I answer. "Now time for bed" I tell her.

"But what about story time?" she whines.

"I'll tell you a story Celeste, if you promise to go to sleep afterwards" Clopin tells her.

"I will daddy" she assures him.

"I'll leave you both to it" I say and leave. I decide to have a bath. So I do just that and soon Clopin appears. "She asleep?" I ask.

"Like a baby, how is our future little one?" he asks me.

"He or she are doing well" I tell him. "Though I am not looking forward to my last weeks of pregnancy in summer" I state.

"You can do it" he tells me. "Now lets go to bed, I know you are exhausted from today. I'll give you a massage" he states. I agree and get out of the tub drying myself with a towel. I put on my nightie and go to bed. He starts to give me a massage and I soon fall into a peaceful sleep.


Picture above of Clopin with Celeste and picture on the external link of Nutmeg.

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