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Ok, I will be talking about Franks wife in ES (Short for eeveelution squad).

So lets lay out all the facts we Know.

The only time we see Franks Wife is in Special Chapter 12B Page-Page 20.

Lets Show you The conversation---

Franks wife leaps out at Frank, she ends up on top of Franks---

"Hi."-Franks wife

"Hey...? What's with your eyes?"-Frank

"Oh, it's not important. Sorry for jumping at you."-Franks Wife

"Yeah...Thanks for the help back then."-Frank

"Don't mention it. I just managed to pass by."-Franks Wife

"How did you lift me with your power when you didn't see me?"-Frank

"Uh...Just a guess."-Franks wife

"If you'll excuse me, I gotta go."-Franks Wife

"Hey, wait."-Frank

"Before you go, what's your name? I'm Frank."-Frank

""-Franks Wife

"What is this place again...? Sylvester...?"-Franks Wife

"You can call me Sylvia~"-Franks Wife

"Bye!"-Franks Wife

"What a weird girl..."-Frank

Now Before I go into Details about this, let me say the only other time they talked about Franks Wife is when Gai said that his dad said mom was a "Slime Monster" To Silvia.

And Also Franks Wife is Traveling, that is why she is not home.

Now, Lets list some details.

One, "Sylvia" Was uncomfortable when Frank asked about her eyes.

Two, "Sylvia" Was obviously Uncomfortable and lying, when Frank asked how she saw him.

Three, "Sylvia" has a different eye color then normal Espeons.

Four, "Sylvia" lied about her name.

Five, "Sylvia" Has a silly, bubbly personality.

NOW here comes the fun part for me.

Ok, most importantly, "Sylvia" is NOT an espeon. And Lets see, The only three pokemon that can shapeshift are Zoroark, Ditto, and Zoroa, Actually ditto is the only one that CAN Transform, Zoroa and Zoroark use illusions. So she has to be one of the three.

Lets Break it down, and see which one "Sylvia" is.

Lets start with Ditto, I will do a List of how "Sylvia" Is and Isn't a ditto.

Ok, first, when ditto transforms, ditto has small round eyes. They do not look like "Sylvia's" eyes.

Second, when ditto transforms, or is it's self it is technically slime.

Now Zoroa and Zoroark, when they do illusions they make a green light, and there eyes are like the normal species when they transform.

Now, I was thinking about this until I remembered something "Wait, there is ONE more pokemon that transforms.."

Yes, and this pokemon, I think is the most adoreable, and cuddly pokemon.

MEW, the mythical Pokemon.

Yes, Mew, now I know your going to say "Mew, Ha don't make me laugh! That is obviously not Franks wife!"

Well, I think she might actually be Mew.

Lets list why,

Ok, Mew has a bubbly, and fun personality, like The espeon.

The eyes, well Pkm-150 sometimes draws mews eyes as Brown.

Mew travels a lot and never stays in one place.

When Mew transforms, she IS a Slime "Monster".

Mew cannot say "Oh, my name is Mew", because in Pkm-150's world, Mythical and Legendary pokemon do not have names, So it makes sense she lied about it.

Most importantly, Mew CAN turn invisible so she could see Frank without him seeing her.

So, I think she is a mew, because all the evidence points to it!

Hope you enjoyed my theory!

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