Livs house

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Elliot's POV
It was about 6:20 when we got to liv's house. I was slightly worried about what would happen when I got home. I skipped school and didn't come home all day.  I don't know what my excuse will be but at least in this moment I'm with Olivia. She didn't seem to stressing over skipping maybe because her mother was working so much she's probably miss the call. Olivia snapped me out do my thoughts when she said "El are you hungry? You haven't eaten all day?" I didn't eat all day or last night because I was too scared to come out of my room. I put my shame aside and said "yea I skipped out on breakfast this morning. Do you think I could have a PB&J?" She smiled and said "Of course I'll make some." About 8 minutes later she came out with PB&J'S and some water for us. She said "Do you want to eat in my room maybe talk for a bit?" I had missed this so much, hanging with her. I loved her so much but after everything that happened I felt like I deserve her. Like I didn't deserve anything. I replied "Yea let's go." We got upstairs and sat in her bed side by side. Liv had on a black long sleeve shirt that said marines on it, mom jeans and her hair was long and flowing. She always looked gorgeous. She said "So last night you texted me and you said you'd been hiding something then never responded. What's up with that?" As I was chewing I looked up at her not sure on what to say. I swallowed and debated on whether or not I should tell her what is going on with me. I decided against it, I didn't want to put all my problems on her shoulders. I had to come up with a lie something that is believable but not serious. I say "Oh yea mom came and I had to help her clean up. What I was hiding from you is that I'm not a big fan of Jake." She laughs which means she believes me. She says "That's not much of a secret El remember what happened between you two earlier." I do a fake laugh and say "Yea but what do you see in him anyway?" She moves closer to me on the bed and says "Well uh...he was there when you couldn't be you know. It's gets pretty lonely when moms not here and you can't talk so I found Jake and he showed interest." It hurt me to hear that. All I ever wanted was to be with liv, hang out and laugh but after my dad died that all slipped away.
Olivia's POV
  As I'm talking to Elliot I notice he's been very nervous lately and he seems a lot more down. I answer his question about what I see in Jake and he just seems so sad. All I want is to be there for him. I say "Everything alright?" He reassures me that he's fine then he says "how much longer do you think we have until your mom gets here?" I say "A long time trust me sometimes she doesn't get home till 11:00 p.m. what about you? Do you think your moms okay with us hanging out?" He says "yea I'm sure she's fine." Things got silent until he said "What would Jake think of us being here alone?" I know he was just messing with me but I said "Doesn't matter he doesn't control who I hang out with." Funny enough after I said that my phone started ringing and it was Jake I picked up the phone and said "Hey Jake what's up?" He starts yelling into the phone "Where are you? I was looking for you all day. Are you serious right now? Do you know how worried I was? Are you with Elliot? Liv I swear to-" I cut him off and said "Yes Jake I'm with Elliot he's my friend and I'm not going to stop talk-" this time he cut me off by saying "No liv you are my girlfriend not his. This shouldn't even be a question. Me or him?" I say "What? What are you talking about Jake?"
Elliots POV
I sat on the bed awkwardly as liv argued with Jake on the phone. Obviously it was about seeing how my name came up multiple times. I figured I should go as things were getting pretty heated. I clearly cause everyone around me pain. My mom, my dad, myself and now liv. I stood up and was about to go when liv hung up the phone and said "El where are you going?" I turn around to her and say "I am just making things to complicated for you and I don't want to hurt another person I love to get hurt so I'll go before anything else happens." It didn't occur to me what I just said. I said I loved her. Maybe she won't know what I mean. She grabbed my hand and said "El what are you talking about? You are not causing me any pain. I want you here more than anything. Please stay." I turn around and face her. We are face to face when she says "please stay." I say "Okay I'll stay."  We sat back on her bed and she said "Do you want to watch some tv?" I nod my head yes. We got cozy on her bed and watched some random show. I wasn't paying attention I was just savoring this moment before it had to end.
Elliot's POV
We had fallen asleep. I woke up and checked the time 9:01 it was 9:01 and I wasn't home. My mom was going to kill me. I tried to move silently and slowly because liv was still sleeping. I put on my shows and grabbed my coat but she started to stir as my steps woke her up. She said "El are you leaving?" I whisper "yea liv I got to go." She sits up and says "Well let me walk you home." That's the last thing I want her to do. It would make everything worse. I say "No liv it's okay really. I'll be fine. Besides I don't want you to walk back by yourself." She gets us from the bed and walks to me. She says "Fine but text me when you get home. Let me know you're safe okay?" If I'm alive. "Okay I will by liv, I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I closed her bedroom door. I had prepared myself for the worst when I got home.
Elliots POV
I got home and opened the front door. My mom was sitting on the couch. Her eyes red and puffy from all the crying she was doing. She said "Where were you today?" I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. She said "ANSWER ME NOW ELLIOT WHERE WERE YOU?" I realized at this point I couldn't lie. I said "At Olivia's, we spent the day together but none of it was her fault I asked her."  My mom look disgusted with me. She hated me and she had a right to or so I thought. She says "Does Olivia know what you did? What you caused? How you broke this family apart?" Her works cut through me like a knife. She yelled "Does she know or not?" I said lowly "She doesn't know" At this point mom went into full rage mode. She yelled "You're a disgrace and I hate you for what you did. For what you cost me. Joe is dead because of you. All because of you." She threw things at me. Anything she could find she threw at me. This went on for awhile, my whole body was sore. I knew my neck and back would be bruised by morning. I still don't hate my mom for what she does. This is her way of coping and I love her no matter what. She finally stopped throwing things and just sobbed she said "Go to your room I don't want to see you." I went up to my room and laid down. I slowly fell asleep it's like I was always exhausted no matter how long I slept. I never texted liv witch I knew would be a problem tomorrow.

A/N: Hey guys hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will have a new chapter out soon. Follow me on Instagram @benslersince99 for more Bensler content. Vote comment share!!

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