Hair black and white

Hair black and white

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She walk to the taxi that she had call and went in and head to work she then got there and it was a a busy day snice well the ceo had already found the location for the event it was Dec now and she was there helping out with the tables and others ...

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She walk to the taxi that she had call and went in and head to work she then got there and it was a a busy day snice well the ceo had already found the location for the event it was Dec now and she was there helping out with the tables and others were at the modeling company snice there will be models there too. Angel got a call from her mom.

A: mom how's dad?
M: he's okay. The cancer is not that bad yet they been getting him some medication but he'll have to miss out the event and work.
A: its okay mom.

They hang up and she went back to work later when that was done angel went to a bar close by the building where the event will be and just started drinking away, later she became drank.

A: there's three of is sick..I'm sick haha..

Angel felt two hands grab her arm she look and it was two random dudes.

G1: hey wanna hang out?
A: no let me go.

She swing their hands away from her.

A: don't touch losers!

She sat down and drink again they grab her arm again.

A; AH! Yah let me go!
G2: we'll take you home.

They pay and pull angel out of the bar she was struggling to get out snice she was very drank.

Taehyung pov:
I was driving home from work snice it is late and I saw two guys holding and drugging someone I stop my car and look closely and it was angel I scoofed and turn the car around and stop infront of them the two guys looked at me I got of the car.

G2: get out of our way.
T: she looks like she needs help.
G1: my girlfriend is pretty drank.
A: let me go you rappest!

Angel started hitting them with her purse i scoffed.

G1: sorry to bother you sir but we'll leave now.

As they hold angel again I grab his arm they look at me.

T: she's not going with you two.
G1: who you think you are? Her bodyguard?
T: no I'M her boyfriend.

I snatched his hand away from angels they scoffed.

G1: you wanna fight? I see.

I put angel in my car.

A: ah hey!

And I just started beating them both up where they end up on the floor I went to the car and drove away.

Angel grab taehyungs hair.

T: ah! Angel!
A: I don't know you! Take me home!
T: angel stop i need to see the road. Im taking you home.

Taehyung got to her place and help her out of the car.

A: who are you? And how you know my name?
T: im your boyfriend kim taehyung.

Angel gasp, taehyung made it to her front door and started opening her door.

A: why do I have a hot boyfriend? Ah yah!

Taehyung lay her down angel stood up and was taking off her shirt.

T: what you doing?
A: its hot in here.
T: not here.
A: thats right your my boyfriend.

Angel let go of her shirt and grab taehyungs face and kiss him he was shock but kiss her back they fell on the bed again.

A: take off your shirt.
T: no angel.
A: I need to throw up.

Taehyung help her up to go to the bathroom and she just threw up after finishing she fell asleep on taehyung he carry her to her bed.

T; I guess I'll stay for the night then.

He smiles as he touch her cheeks.

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