Chapter 12: Moving Forward

Comenzar desde el principio

"Merci maman. Je suis content de vous avoir rendu fier (Thank you, mama. I'm glad I have made you proud)," I say. She pulls back and holds my face between her hands, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. She's smiling, so full of motherly pride.

"Ana!" I raise my head and look over. Skylar is grinning at me and waving wildly. I look back at my mother, who smiles and nods, letting me go. I walk past her, receiving a knowing look and a wink from John. I giggle and go to Skylar, who immediately hugs me.

"I can't believe we're graduated!" she says. I laugh and return her brief hug, before we step back and look at each other. She looks around before taking my hand and holding it. We both blush, but I'm smiling. A moment passes, before my smile becomes a hesitant one.

"Skylar...I'm moving to New York for college. I don't think I'm going to be able to see you very much," I say. Her smile fades too, and she takes my other hand in her free one and squeezes both of my hands.

"I know, and I know that's where you'll be happy. You and John are going together, right? I really like you, but I want you to be happy, and you'll be happy in New York, with John," she says. I tear up a little bit.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" I ask softly. She smiles softly and squeezes my hands again.

"You didn't do anything. You just were and I was drawn to you. All the best people are drawn to people like you," she says. I laugh a little, a tear rolling down my face as I hug her again.

"That was tellement ringard (so corny)," I giggle. She hums and I chuckle.

"Corny," I translate. She laughs, and I bask in the noise. I don't know when, or if, I'll hear it again before I leave. We'll have to plan a date or two before I move.

"Anastasia, your mom wants a picture!" I pull back and turn to look toward my mother. She smiles and waves her hand at me while John holds Nicolette. I look back at Skylar before pulling her along behind me.

"Can Skylar take a picture with us? We're kind of a trio," I say. My mother smiles and nods.

"Of course! It's nice to meet you, Skylar," she says. Skylar smiles and nods. John hands me Nicolette and puts his arm around me, while Skylar does the same on my other side. The three of us smile, and my mother takes a picture of us. She takes several pictures, some of just me, some of me and John, some of me and Nicolette, the list goes on. When she is satisfied, the camera is put away and she smiles.

"Skylar, how would you and your family like to come and join us for a celebratory dinner?" she asks, looking over at the girl beside me. I watch Skylar's eyes light up as she nods.

"That would be lovely, Mrs. Reama! Let me go ask my mom!" she says, running off to find her family. My mother's gaze turns on me, and she smiles.

"She seems like a nice girl. Why have you never introduced her to me?" she asks. I shrug, not really sure of the answer.

"We only became close this month. I guess I didn't think that I had time between exams and studying for exams," I say. My mother nods, taking the answer.

"I think that makes enough sense. I hope that she can join us for dinner," she says. I nod and grin.

"Me too."

By some grace, Skylar and her family agreed to have a celebratory dinner with us. We laugh and talk, and everyone gets along extremely well. Skylar and I hold hands beneath the table, and John keeps giving me fond, sly glances and winking.

"So, Anastasia, where are you going to college?" Skylar's mother, Mia, asks. I swallow my sip of water and grin at her.

"John and I are both going to Columbia University in New York," I say. Skylar's father, Connor, smiles and looks impressed.

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