Chapter 9 Historical Q&A and Extra Info

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So, this is KINDA lame because I only got 5 questions about Chapter 9 and they were all from the same person (I love you, M. You're the best fan). If you have any questions that I didn't answer, leave them in the comments. I can always edit this and add them in. Alright, let's do this. 


How many people did you love at once, Ana?

Romantically? Two. Lafayette and Peggy. It was unfortunate that I lost Peggy so quickly, and only had Lafayette for so long. Perhaps in the next life.


Did you ever actually love your husband?

In the public eye, perhaps. Truthfully? Not romantically. Despite our having children together and sharing intimate moments, I feel more as if we are close friends rather than lovers. I've expressed this to him, and he feels the same.


How are you so cool?

John would say that it's because I'm a woman unafraid to speak my mind and take command. I served in a war where I could've died and lost my legacy, but survived, and he thought I was especially cool because of that. Lafayette thinks similar things. Alexander believes I'm cool because he considers me an equal (which is a high honor, mind you) in intelligence and words. And my children simply believe I'm cool because I'm their mother.

Myself personally? I think I'm just outspoken, not particularly cool.


Could you slap Alexander for me?

I unfortunately require myself to have a valid reason other than "Alexander is being particularly bothersome today" before I slap him. However, if he does something else idiotic, I'll slap him extra hard in your honor.


In this universe, is it possible that John could be reborn as your brother?

Yes, of course. Second incarnations typically result in a body and spirit most like your first, but you can of course be born to different parents and at different times. In technicality, I could be reborn as my daughter's sister, but be unaware. So, yes, I could most definitely be reborn to be John's biological sister, unlike my current status, which is more of an honorary sister.


Cool Bonus Information about References made during Chapter 9 and General historic stuff:

Some people probably caught on, but the scene where Lafayette is with Anastasia after Lilith I dies, is entirely based on "Say No to This." Little dialogue things and the words I use were meant to hint at that. And yes, that point where Lafayette is rising is him giving in. He does still love his wife, but he also loves Anastasia and he doesn't want to see her in this state. This could've very easily led to a scenario where they both cheat on their significant others, but 1) I don't like posting smut, it makes me uncomfortable and I don't think I write it well, and 2) Bless my girl Marie, she's the best cockblock.

Obviously they do end up kissing a second time when Lafayette comes back from France briefly to console Anastasia over Lilith II's death, which I have no excuse for other than I like Anastasia and Lafayette together. Sue me.

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