(Not Chapter 10): My Home Is A Ghost

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So, since I just finished a whole historical Chapter (Ha, Chapter 9 was like a novel on its own), I decided that the historical Halloween oneshot - which DOES fall into the same universe, which I'm calling the AnaVerse - would be the best one to post first. So, yeah! It's a little bit angsty, but not really. Enjoy!

Warning: Brief Google Translate French

Much Love, Krissy


Historical Again:

"Mama?" Lilith asks, holding onto my dress before I can walk away from her bed. I turn and look down at her.

"Yes, my dear?" I ask. She keeps a firm hold on my skirt, and I sit down at the edge of her bed, sensing that she wants me to stay at her side.

"Do you think that the spirits will come back tonight?" she asks. I smile softly at her.

"Wherever did you hear that, petit (little one)?" I ask. She smiles slightly.

"Pip told me," she says. Ah, Philip. Of course. I hum, brushing some hair off her forehead.

"On Hallows Eve, the spirits are able to come back to see the living. I think if any spirits are visiting us tonight, they'll only be the nicest of spirits, coming to see the little girl whom I adore," I say. She rolls over, hugging her doll to her chest as she smiles up at me.

"Like Uncle John, Mama?" she asks. I smile and nod.

"Yes, darling. Like your Uncle John," I agree. She grins sweetly.

"I can't wait to meet Uncle John," she says softly. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Only if you go to sleep first," I say. She giggles and nods, closing her eyes. I blow out the candle beside her bed and stand up, leaving her to sleep. The house is dark, as it is a new moon tonight and I haven't lit many candles. I pick up the one I'd left on a table outside Lilith's room and begin walking down the hall. Jonathan is still in his office working, and both of my children have gone to bed. I pause when I notice that Lilith I's door is cracked open slightly.

"Do you think that the spirits will come back tonight?" she'd asked. Now I wonder if she could have been right. I swallow and creep toward the door slowly, careful to not make a sound. I slowly push the door open, and I gasp softly at what I see. A translucent blue figure. A familiar coat. Hair tied back tightly behind his head in lucious curls.

"John?" I whisper softly, staring wide eyed at the figure standing at the window. He turns, and it's him. My John.

"Hi, Anastasia," he says softly, smiling a little. I want to run forward and hug him, but I'm frozen. He's...He's here. He's here and I can see him. I can hear him. I finally find my legs and take a few steps into the room. The candle seems to make him fade a little, so I blow it out and set it on the floor by the door. I reach out, but my hand passes right through him. He smiles softly, before reaching out himself. And I feel his touch. It's cool, but not uncomfortably so.

"Spirits must reach out first," he says. I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and he pulls me to him. The nearly translucent man embraces me, and I close my eyes and press my face into his chest.

"I've missed you so much," I whisper. He nods, and I feel something hit my cheek. It's not wet, but somehow I can tell it's a ghostly tear. I squeeze him tighter, not ever wanting to let go.

"I've missed you too," he chokes out. He isn't warm or cold, he's merely a solid weight in my arms. I shift my head on his chest, keeping my eyes closed.

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