What happens when I am bored.

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 FASHION WEEK. I truly hate it. On top of my already busy schedule I have to plan what's going to happen for when it's Gabriel's turn. Not to mention I still have yet to inform Gabriel that I will be unable to attend and- oh for the love of God now we're short three models. Fuck. This is not what I need right now. I mean siriusly, come on, why you have to be so rude world?


"Yes Nathalie?"

"I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend fashion week due to personal reasons."

"Your joking right?"

"Sir I am a heartless bitch that has no idea of what humor is. In case you forgot my last name literally means heartless."

"I know what your last name means, Nathalie! It is, after all pretty hard to forget when Audrey constantly calls you and I quote Miss. Heartless."

"Then you should know that I have no sense of humor, correct?" I as with one eyebrow raised.

"And yet you know what sarcasm is."

"Of course I do, what do you think I do in my free time? Play Video Games? I am not a child." A smirk makes its attempt to rise to my lips, but as per usual I will not allow myself to show any emotions to other people.

"Anything else I need to know then Nathalie?"

"Just one, three of your models have canceled and I can't find replacements."

He looked at me for a few moments and I could literally see the anger in his eyes.

"Get. out." Ice. That's what he is now. Ice. Huh. Kinda weird actually. And I thought I could be cold.


"You heard me get out it's obvious that I need to start looking for some new models because your obviously incapable of doing so yourself."

"With all due respect sir, you did make it so that I'm the only one that does anything useful during fashion week. I do hope you realize that."

"I do believe I told you to get out of my office Nathalie. Are you incapable of that as well?"

"No sir." I say as I leave.

"Oh and Nathalie?"

"Yes sir?"

"Take the rest of the day off, you deserve it."


Sup people next chapter is gonna be in Harry's point of view.

Thanks for all the support that you guys give.

See ya later.


What happens when Nathalie has had enough?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin