Nathalie's pov, a couple of weeks later

A sigh escapes me as I look out the window, Adrien looked at me and cleared his throat.
"I was wondering if you could ask father if I could go to a friend's house after school?"
I turned to face him.
"Adrien, you know that there's no point, he's just going to say no."
"Please? You seem to be able to change his mind, and you got him to agree to me going to school."
"I can try, but there's really no point."
"Thanks Nathalie!"
Before I can say anything else I realized that we had arrived at the school.

         *Back at the mansion*

Upon entering the office, I see Gabriel was not in a good mood.
"Sir? Is something wrong?"
"I suppose you could say that, I have something to do later, and I can't have Adrien here or something could go wrong."
"About that, Adrien asked me to ask you if he could go to a friend's house after school."
"Perfect, tell him I said yes, and Nathalie?"
I turned to leave when he called after me.
I turn back towards him.
"I'm going to need Mayura for what I have planned."
"That means I don't want you doing to much today."
I sigh.
"Of course."
"Thank you, feel free to do whatever so long as it's not work related."

*Time skip to later, cause I'm lazy lol*

I take the elevator up to Gabriel's lair.
He smiles and turned to face me.
"You made it."
"I said I'd be here, didn't I?"
"You did, but I wasn't sure, you have been out all day."
"I want to help you, I said I'd help you, and I have no interest in changing that."
He sighed.
"I know, I just wish you didn't need to."
"I don't, I want to help you."
He smiled slightly.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
We both transform and do our usual villian dialogue blah blah blah and watch the battle until Hawkmoth asks if we should go and fight.
"I don't see any reason not to."
He looks at me.
"Are you sure you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine."
"Very well then."
A small smirk flashes across my face before I hide it with my fan and leave the lair, with Hawkmoth right behind me.

  *After the battle back in the lair*

I drop my transformation first, and surprisingly stay upright, without any coughing or dizziness.
"We failed again."
"We will succeed sooner or later, they have to get tired eventually."
He turned towards me a look of absolute anger on his face.
"And what if they don't?"
He starts towards me, making me back away.
"They will eventually, we just have to be patient."
"You seem so sure that they will, I'm starting to think that you know something I don't."
I start to panic slightly and try my best to hide it from him.
"I have no idea what your talking about."
"Are you sure? Because you emotions say otherwise."
"I-I'm not sure what you mean."
He simply laughs.
"Have you forgotten that i can feel emotions?"
I find myself without anymore room to back away.
"Are you sure?"
His voice I barely heard, as he whispered the question.
"Y-yes, are you alright?"
Something seemed to snap within him and he moved before I could react, hitting me with his cane as he was still transformed, and I fall unconscious.

*Several hours later, around midnight*

I wake up in a lot of pain, and try to stand.
"Ow, fuck, that hurts."
I check to see if I still have my miraculous, which I do.
"Miss Nathalie! Your awake!"
"I am, how long was I... Unconscious? And please not so loud."
"Oops, sorry, you were out for a couple of hours at least."
"Oh, I think that I'm going to leave, do you want to come?"
"Leave the lair?"
"No, leave Paris, I have done so much for Gabriel and Adrien and given up so much, only for him to do this to me, I see no reason to stay any longer."
"Oh, I'll come, but what about Nooroo?"
"I'm sorry Dussuu, but I can't risk trying to get his miraculous."
"Oh, ok, what are you going to tell Gabriel and Adrien?"
The little kwami asks as I take the elevator back to the office.
And with that I walk over to my desk and find a price of paper and place it on Gabriel's desk.
"Whats that?"
"My resignation letter."
"Come on Dussuu, I need to transform."
"Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"I can't call my driver and this is the next best thing, I need to transform."

What happens when Nathalie has had enough?Where stories live. Discover now