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godddd i hate my writing so much.
like why the fuck can't i write a chapter that isn't trash.
well anyways here's ya go..
no characters/art/photos belong to me.
sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes.
(i am currently sitting in my living room with my mom and her bible study partner and i wnat to die. fun fact your child is writing a gay fanfic rn bitch)

as takeda entered the gym he noticed two things. 1-the boys seemed weirdly calm for this day. 2-ukai seemed back to his normal self. this bothered him more than it should've.

'of course he's back to normal..it was just a silly little crush he had on me anyways..'

he shook it off and approached the team.

"good morning takeda-sensei." takeda heard hinata greet him. "good morning hinata. good morning boys." he waved to all of the boys around the area. hinata had took a liking to takeda since his he treated him like an equal and not a child like so many adults do.

"have you noticed the tension between coach and takeda-sensei?" suga asked his boyfriend as he helped him stretch. "i have but we better not intervene." suga rolled his eyes. "fine." he lowered his tone and whispered in his boyfriends ear. "fine daddy."

(bro i'm re-reading this and...why..why did i write that..ima leave it in)

"morning ukai." takeda said as he sat his notebook down on the bench. "morning teach." ukai's heart practically stopped beating when he saw takeda earlier that morning. and once again. the same thing happened as they prepared for the first game.

the two men had to keep their professional personas on as they got the team warmed up and on the court. as i sat next to the taller male i noticed something. the bags under his eyes were bigger. and he was missing his happy aurora he has around the court.

the end of the game-
takeda pov-

"ukai may i talk to you?" i ask as i approach the taller man. he turned around to me. "yeah sure i guess." i took a deep breath before starting.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry for all of this shit. i'm sorry for hurting you. i'm sorry for not feeling the same way. or whatever! i'm sorry for acting like your feelings didn't mat-"

before i could say more. "i really don't want to here it. i'm not trying to be mean. or anything..but i really don't want to talk about this. i understand you don't feel the same but i feel a way and you just don't feel the same way. so there is no reason to be sorry..but i'm not sorry for feeling this way. so how about we forget about this.."

i slowly nodded and looked at my feet. "i'll see you at practice tomorrow." i said as i walked away. i didn't bother to look back. and i'm sure even if i wanted to look back..i wouldn't be able to see thru the wall of tears built up in my eyes.

"sensei are you okay?" i hear yachi ask as i walk past her. "yes i am yachi. i'll see you tomorrow. i have a horrible headache." i sniffle once before turning to the tiny first year. she flashes a big smile before walking away.

i quickly wiped my tears away from my eyes and continued to walk on. i fight of the urge to start crying right there, right now and i walked on.

ukai pov-

maybe i was too harsh. or maybe i wasn't harsh enough. i felt the familiar pit in my stomach grow but i chose to ignore it. as i watched him walk away i noticed something.

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