NaNoWriMo Day 19

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The journey took a few days. In theory, Tipi. should have been able to arrive in a single day by train if everything went according to plan. The route would go from Innsbruck in Austria to German München, Mainz, and Köln into Dutch Eindhoven and Utrecht. But amidst the current chaos even the German train system lost its punctuality. Tickets to intercity trains had to be booked in advance with place reservations using official documents, which Tipi did not have. So he had to resort to local trains and endure constant temperature checks in service workers in protective wear. Most of the streets were empty except for the occasional protest.

There were no kids in the street. The virus was nasty to children under twelve and so parents kept them in the house. He wondered how Julian fared back with his parents, if that was where he was. Tipi had regrets about his time on the mountain and thereafter. He was not as much climbing the mountain as he was flowing with the current of the situation. It was an uphill current, but a stream nonetheless. And flowing with a stream strips you of taking control of your own actions. Even if the universe is predetermined and our actions are set in space-time stone, it still feels like a bummer to let the story unfold and not be the one doing the folding either way or the other.

All that had to change now. And it would start from his base, his home from before all this happened.

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