The First Time.

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Chapter One:

Hi my names Samantha Paige Richardson, I am 18 years old and my family and I travel a lot. By I a lot I mean we're in a different town or state every two months. My father is a music producer, he travels a lot. And my mom is his manager so I have no choice but to go. I am an only child which is good cause I get spoiled a lot.

I like travel though so that's why I don't settle down and get a job. Plus I liked to travel and spend time with my family. I also got to meet a lot of bands and famous people. I was proud of what my parents did it made them happy.

They told me a couple days ago that we would be going back to California. And I was shocked cause my best friend Mckenzie and Melody lived there. Me and Mel met Mckenzie 6th grade when she moved to California from England. Well anyways I was playing basketball in the court with a couple of people and she asked if she could play with us, the nice people we are let her play. It turned out that she knew how to play. She had learned back in England and she loved to play it. Mckenzie, Mel and I all just clicked then. My parents have always treated her as if she was their other daughter, they loved her. Her birthday was two days before mine, August 2nd, mine was August 4th, but the only difference is she still is a year older. She's 19. I'm 18.

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