c h a p t e r ~ s i x

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sorry for the update spam! i've just getting a lot of inspiration

also: this fic is going to be shorter than waiting for sencen ; about 20 chapters

love u doodles!


 Sophie was on her bed, fiddling with the buttons on Ella's Hawaiian shirt. She had just gotten off a call with Keefe. He had hailed her as she was cleaning the verminion, resulting in a glare from Grady and "we got this" grins from the gnomes. He had talked to her about the plan with Fitz and Sophie was honestly very happy about it. Talking with Fitz on her own had been so....awkward. She smiled back on their conversation, letting her mind set the memories over her like a soft blanket.


"Heyyyyy Foster" the grinning face of that by filled her screen and Sophie did everything in her power to make her face not look like a bright tomato.

"Hey Keefe"

"Well you don't have to say it like that" he laughed and messed with his hair, eventually looking up to see that Sophie had buried her face under a blanket to avoid further humiliation.

She sighed and mumbled "Sorry" she peeked out her face a tiny bit to see Keefe tilt his head "You never have to be sorry Foster"

Sophie looked at Keefe - and was that blush creeping upon his face? She shook the thought out of her head and looked away "So...what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I heard about your date with Fitz" Kefe said quickly and Sophie froze. Oh no. Oh no this was going to ruin everything. Keefe was going to think she liked Fitz and...just oh no. This was the worst "It's nothing like that!" she blurted out "I just wanted to help him get Stina because he was just so sad and.." Sophie looked down

"Hey its fine" Keefe said softly and Sophie looked back at her imparter screen to see him smiling at her "I just wanted to make sure it was a friend date"

Sophie smirked, momentarily getting a boost of confidence "Oh really? And hy would it matter if it was a friend date"

Now it was Keefe's turn to blush "I mean..nothing I just...I dunno" he mumbled

Sophie laughed "Ok Sencen"

Keee looked back up at her and grinned. Sophie's heart filled with butterflies and she felt her face heat up. She cursed to herself and shoved the blanket back over her head. She heard him clear his throat and ask "Want me to help?"


Sophie was really confused. What did he mean by hep? Like helping her with her friend date with Fitz? What?

"Yeah Foster. I am going to help you find out who Stina's new boyfriend is"

Sophie smiled under the blanket "Really why?"

"Because you are....my best friend" Keefe said hesitantly and Sophie's smile grew bigger.

She closed her eyes for a second and thought about them as best friends. All the stolen looks and secret laughs. The warm feeling she got when he walked in the room.


Sophie heard Keefe mumbling and she peeked her head out "That sound great"

Keefe tilted his head "Really? Ok great! I have some ideas and I can show them to you tomorrow after class!"

The sound of Keefe's voice almost made Sophie squeal in happiness. He seemed so excited to help her. But it didn't mean anything. She knew that.

"Well then see you tomorrow" Sophie waved at Keefe

Keefe grinned at Sophie and she almost melted as he said goodbye and her imparter clicked off.


Iggy squeaked in his cage nearby and Sophie looked up at him "Hey buddy" she smiled softly and walked over to him. Iggy burped and Sophie gagged, waving her hand over her nose "Gross! We need to give you a bath or something"

Sophie glared at Iggy and walked out of the room. Maybe Edaline knew a way to make the little ball of fur smell better. She walked down the stairs and through the open door, into the yard.

"Mom! Hello?" Sophie called out as she wandered through the pastures. Edaline should be somewhere around the animals. She eventually made her way to the edge of the forest and sighed, rubbing her temples "Where are you?"

Sophie tok a few tentative steps forward. Nothing good ever happened in the fort. But she shouldn't be scared. She was the moonlark after all. She walked over to a tree and studied the dark branches. The green leaves floated in the wind and she smiled. Out of all the things that happened in the past few months...it was peaceful now.

A branch cracked nearby and Sophie turned around "Who's there!" she demanded

A few seconds of silence caused her to walk forward, her adrenaline ignoring every sensible thought in her mind that was telling her to run away. Sophie was about to obey those thoughts when something caught her eye.

"What's this?" she mumbled and kneeled down. She pushed away a bush and spotted a folded piece of paper lying on the ground. She blinked in confusion and glanced around her. Where had it come from?

In a moment of foolishness, she grabbed the note and shoved it in her pocket. She would read it later.

Falling for Foster ~ Book #2 in the Flipped Fanfiction SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin