c h a p t e r ~ t w o

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          "Mom do you know where my flats are?", Sophie yelled down the stairs, "I can't find them!"

Sophie rushed around her closet looking for an outfit that wasn't too frilly but would make Biana nod in approval and not barf in disgust.

"Hurry up", Sandor peeked his head in the doorway, "You're gonna be late"

"You think I don't know that?", Sophie yelled back, "I just need to find the right tunic."

Sandor walked over to her, "how about this one?", he asked, choosing a random tunic out of her rack.

Sophie looked over at the tunic, "I think I like it...", she smirked, "i think it might do"

Sandor handed her the ice blue tunic, "I think it will do too"


Sophie glittered in front of the sprawling palace of Everglen.

"Sophie!", Biana squealed, running towards her, followed by Lihn.

"How are you?", Lihn asked, hugging Sophie, "We missed you yesterday".

"Chores and stuff", Sophie replied, "Verdi needed cleaning"

"C'mon!", Biana laughed and led them inside, "The boys are already inside"

They followed Biana through the door and up the stairs to her room.

"Hey guys", Dex waved as they entered, "I honestly have no idea what is happening here. Biana just told us to come."

"Well can't we all just hang out together without a reason?", Biana asked, sitting down next to Tam.

"Well not if it's boring", Fitz piped up from where he was sitting with Keefe, "C'mon guys, let's go to my room."

"Cool", Tam replied and stood up walking out of the room.

"Guys", Biana groaned as the boys left, "We were gonna have so much fun"

"We can have fun without those losers", Marella told them, flopping down on the bed, "let's have some fun!"

"What can we do? Any fun games?", Lihn asked, glancing at Biana, "Do you know anything Bi?"

"Well....", Biana looked over at Sophie, "Do you want to tell me that secret Sophie?"

Sophie froze. She wasn't sure she could tell Biana that she liked Keefe. She didn't even know what she felt anymore. Everything was so confusing now that she was back.

"Umm, it wasn't really a secret", Sophie lied,"I just thought that..."

Sophie looked around the room, trying to if there was anything g in Biana's room that she could use. Her eyes landed on a a picture of the hand in Eternalia.

"I thought that you and Dex would be cute together!", Sophie blurted out,"But Tiana is much cuter."

"Ohhh Tam", Biana said, "Yep, we are totally dating."

"That's cute", Marella commented, "I ship it"

"So cute", Linh agreed, blushing, glancing at Biana

"Umm, we should do something else", Biana glanced back at at Lihn, "I'm good with secrets for now."

"Well that got boring real quick", Marella said,"Anything else to do?"

"I have an idea", Biana smirked, "I challenged the boys!", she screamed, jumping off the bed and running over to Fitz room. She came back, dragging all of the boys by their shirts.

"Come on Biana", Dex groaned, "I don't feel like playing Base Quest today".

"For once I agree with him", Tam said, "I don't want to run around right now."

"Losers", Biana joked, "C'mon don't be babies. Fight us in base quest"

"Fine", Keefe said, "I'll play but I call Foster for my team!", He came over to Sophie and slung his arm around her, "We will win!"

Sophie looked at the floor, trying to conceal her red face. She still had a crush on Keefe. A big one.

"Sounds fun", she laughed

"C'mon!", Lihn ran down the stairs with Marella, Biana following.

"Well I guess it's game on!", Keefe pumped his first in the air, and ran down the stairs after them.


"Hey! Get off of me!", Dex shouted, "You win Fitz!"

"Ha!", Fitz yelled, "I win!"

Sophie laughed at the boys from where she was sitting at the tree.

"Hey", a voice said.

Sophie looked up to see Keefe coming to sit next to her, "Oh, hey Keefe"

'Whats up Foster?", he asked, looking at her.

"Nothin much", she looked back at him, "Just traveling through universes", she joked

"I wish", he told her, "Much more exciting than what is happening in my life right now."

Sophie laughed, "That's true. Hey, you doing anything this summer?"

Keefe's face turned red and he looked at the ground, "It depends", he murmured

"What?", Sophie asked. She heard him but just wanted to make sure she heard it right.

"I said it depends", he looked back at her, "I just have some things i have to sort out"

"R-really", Sophie stammered. What did he mean by that? Was he hinting at something?

"You nervous Foster?", Keefe smirked

Sophie blushed, "Uhhhhhh", she glanced at Keefe, "

"Hey guys!", Fitz came up to them, "Come play with us!"

"Come on man", Keefe muttered and stood up, "I have to get going. See you late Sophie"

"Umm, bye Keefe..", Sophie waved at him. She was so confused. Was something going to happen with her and Keefe? It didn't matter anyways, Fitz ruined it.

"Come on Sophie. We can team up to beat the other guys. Cognates forever!"

"Ya sure", Sophie told him, "Whatever"

Sophie got up and followed Fitz to the field.

"Come on!", Biana waved Sophie over.

Sophie ran over and they started the game.


"Thanks for coming over", Biana hugged Sophie, "I'll see you at school tomorrow.

"See you guys!", Sophie waved goodbye at Biana and Lihn, "Hey, did Tam leave without you?", she asked Lihn

"Ummm", she stammered, "No..Tam went to go do something with Dex. Yep."

"Ok", Sophie shrugged. She walked over to where everyone had dropped their cloaks. She picked hers up and raised her pathfinder. She waved at her friends one more time and stepped into the light.



this chappie is dedicated to Ari-KA

she is so amazing!!!!!! go follow her now......

anywhooo....this was a long chapter so expect a shorter one next sryy


Falling for Foster ~ Book #2 in the Flipped Fanfiction SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat