CH2 - The Nightmare Begins

Start from the beginning

"That was really sweet of you." I hear a very-very familiar voice say right behind me. I turn around and long and behold, it was Ms. Blabber mouth.

"Tell this to anyone and I won't hesitate to end you." I threatened her, but in reply, she only giggled with amusement.

"Oh, your secret is safe with me Miyu. I promise." She then lifted her hand up and crossed her heart.

Yeah, like she is the one to talk.

"Oh, actually, I also wanted to give you something." Botan announcement caught me by surprise, because what? Then she gave me a small shopping bag, made out of paper material. I rose an eyebrow before my eye looked into the bag. I feel gobsmacked, because of what was inside.

"Botan, did you steal this?" I asked in a whisper shout as my eye narrowed at the blunette figure. "I already told you I hate dresses!"

"Well, it looked nice on you when you had it on." My assistant pointed out batting her eyelashes innocently like she has no idea what . "And I just thought that maybe, just maybe, I will get something nice for you for a little change. I mean who know, you might need it for a special event. . . like a date or something." She then let out a nervous giggle while I can feel her fangirling from where I was standing.

"BOTAN!" I spit through my gritting teeth as I try not to just explode into her face. On cue her kitten face showed and just ran away before the bomb was dropped. I took a deep inhale and just shake my head. I take one glance at the light blue dress again and just carefully stuffed it inside my school dress.

Later on that day, the two of us began to walk out of the gate where I see Kuwabara walk out with his gang and Yusuke, who was trailing down not too far behind. Botan and I of course followed them.

Kazuma was far ahead with a dazed look on his face as his eyes held a mixture of misery and disappointment. He was masking that of course, but I was able to see through it.

Meanwhile, his friends are betting on what made him act like this in the first place.

"Something is really come over him." Okubo stated as he held up his palm with a coin in his grasp. "I bet he is changing his image."

"I bet he saw a movie and now he is acting it out." Sawamura guessed as he placed his own coin down.

"No way." Kirishima said cockily. "I bet he finally confessed to Miyuki and got rejected by her." That very one made my stomach do a flip while my brother was laughing at it like it was a great joke.

"Well, not really but he did get rejected by someone." Yusuke pointed out, still laughing.

"Now wait." Botan chimed in. "Kuwabara did not get rejected." She stated out a little firmly.

"Well, what else do you call Yukina dumping out on him and running back to the ice world?" My idiot of a brother asked pointedly.

"It's a long-distance relationship." Botan said dreamily. "It's romantic." Jeez, she won't stop with her crazy shipping?

I turned my attention back to Kazuma, only to see him walk away with sadness in his eyes. His friends immediately ran after him while I can't help but pity him.

Flaming Hearts ~Fire with Fire ~Book 2 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now