“I know.” She said smiling.

“Dr. Bailey.”

“Uh Eli Lloyd what do you want.”

“You.” Eli said licking his lips.

“Eli.” Miranda said giving him a warning tone.

“Eli I can’t do this anymore and I don’t want to. I told you I am not that kind of women who-

“Has sex with a nurse.”

“Eli this is not about you being a nurse.” Miranda whispered and looked around.

“I’m not a casually sex kind of woman.” Miranda said.

“I want more, I require more, I should have more.”

“I can give you more. “ Eli said holding Miranda’s hand.

Miranda removed her hands from his and looked him in the eyes.

“Oh you want more, just not with me. “ Eli said and Miranda was distracted.

She saw Ben walk past the two of them in the hallway, he had his head down in his chart but he had a huge smile on his face. Did he hear what she was talking about? Miranda wondered.

I can’t stand him.” Eli said watching Ben.

“What? Wait you two have met.” Miranda gasped.

“Yeah he’s an arrogant jack ass.” Eli explained

“And you don’t think you are arrogant.” Miranda scuffed.

“He thinks he knows it all and I don’t know shit because I’m a nurse.”

“Newsflash Eli, you do act like you know more than us doctors.”

“Why are you defending this guy.” Eli asked crossing his arms.

Miranda stumbled for something to say.

“Oh you like this guy.” Eli said as the realization sat in.

“He was my boyfriend.” Miranda whispered.

What? How long.”

“Nine months and I dumped him which recently I realized was a big mistake. So Eli really, I enjoyed what we had and what we did but I can’t do this anymore.” Miranda said seriously.

Miranda wanted to find Ben, she needed him to know how she really feels. She didn’t know if it was the right thing to do since he was seeing someone else but he ad least needed to know.

Miranda walked into the direction he went in. Normally he would sit in the lounge working on his case files and paper work so she looked there.

“Excuse me nurse have you seen Doctor Warren.” Miranda asked.

“Yes, doctor Bailey he went into the attending’s lounge right there.” Miranda smiled at the women before nodding her head.

“Hey Ben I- “ Miranda started as she opened the door but stopped as she saw he was busy.

“Oh I’m sorry.” Kimberly said backing up from Ben and wiping her lips. Miranda thought she was going to be sick at what she had witness.

“Oh no it’s okay i- Miranda stumbled to find her words. Her hand was on the knob of the door and she was backing out of the room.

“No stay, we both apologize, that was unprofessional.” Ben said looking into her eyes and he could see the hurt that was plastered in them.

“You were looking for me, you have something to ask.” Ben asked concerned.

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