She returned after about 15 minutes with two teddy bears and one panda in her hand. I literally threw the panda at Zack.

Ha! Two birds with one stone.

"I'm sure your daughter will love this one," she gave me a toothless smile after handing a white teddy with a red nose.

Awwww, it looks like he has a cold-

Wait, what?


Oh My God!

I blushed hard and didn't dare to meet Zack's gaze. After taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves I open my mouth to tell her that I'm not shopping for my daughter but before I can say anything Zack put his hand over my shoulder and starts talking.

And the things he said.....oh my.

"Yes, honey. I agree with the lovely lady. Don't you think our daughter will like this?" He is looking down at me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Code red! code red! code red! Oompa Loompa's inside my body was having a panic attack. This is dangerous.

My heart starts beating faster and my palms are getting sweaty due to his touch. I can feel the radiating from his body but the thing that affected me the most is when he called me 'honey' and 'our daughter.'

No, don't say things like this. It will give me a heart attack. No, please continue to talk like that. I want to hear you say honey one more time.

I couldn't force the words out of my mouth so I just nodded foolishly at him.

He's trying to control his laughter, I can see that on his face. This amused expression got me out of the dazed form.


I jabbed my elbow in his stomach and then pushed him away. My hands were shaking a little so I hid them behind my back. The shopkeeper chuckled and trudged away to pack the teddy while babbling about she can't come to our home this Christmas because she'll be too busy with shop. What? Did we even invite her? Really, that's the thing which confused you the most? What about the fact that you two don't live together? Yes, that too.

I hesitantly peered at Zack to see his reaction. I don't want to get more teased. To my utter relief, he looked busy inspecting a rubber axe.

"What about me? I want something too." He caught my arm before I can walk away and pouted at me.

What do you want? I asked him the same question out loud.

He looked around for a few seconds and then returned his heated gaze to me. Not just me - but my lips.

Oh My My!

He's looking at my lips like a hunter to its prey.

"I want a kiss." His voice comes out husky and I see the desire swirling in his eyes.


Don't you remember what he did?

"Huh?" This came out of my mouth as a breathless moan.

His eyes grew dark.

I think I'm going to faint.

A gasp escapes my lips when he suddenly put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer in one swift movement.

My whole body feels like rubber so I couldn't do anything else other than just let him pull me.

Don't you remember what he did?

He Doesn't Remember MeWhere stories live. Discover now