Acceptance letter

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(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

When you got back you were tackled into a hug by your worried mother. "(Y/n)!! My baby, are you okay!?"
"Huh? Yeah why wouldn't I be?" You questioned.
"Your brother said he got attacked by this sludge villain and that he was saved by a hero. Then your friend Bakugo got attacked too!! But your brother risked his life to save him!"
You just stared in shock. Your brother was probably terrified."Is he in his room?"
"Yea he his." Declared your mother her eyes still wide from panic and worry.

You put you bag down and took off your shoes and went to Izukus room.You knocked on his door gently and sopke in hused voice. "Hey, izuku. Are you okay?"
He opened the door with a bright smile. "Yeah, better then ever!"
Why is he all happy!? He almost got murdered!!!
"Why are you happy!? You saved kacchan!!....I mean you could of died!?"

"I just met all might!!" He beamed, his eyes full of joy.
"Yeah I did!" He grabbed your hands and dragged you into his fanboy room.

He opened the notebook, which now has holes and burn marks and turned the page to All Mights signature.
You made an inhumane sound. "AGEÉ#%%&."
You fell to the ground in fake sorrow.
"You so lucky Izukuuuuuu!!" You then fell silent you slowly turned your head to look up at your older brother as a sly grin creeped its way on to your face.
You snatched the notebook out of his hands and ran out of the door like the flash. "Its mine nooooow!!"
"AGHH NO!" Screeched the vegi.

You both bolted around the house as you kept taunting your brother playfully. "C'mon broccoli boy!! You can run faster then that!"
"Our hair is the same colour! And your hair is slightly longer!!." He Shot back.
"......why would you say that;'༎ຶਊ ༎ຶ';"
"While i was over here handling a crazy blonde bitch,you were playing dress up with All Might!"

"Le gasp,watch you profanity!"

~~~~~~~~ Idk what happened myself.🙃

Its been a couple of weeks since Izuku has been training for U.A., you had always questioned why he was leaving so early in the morning. But he would always tell you that he was meeting a friend. A friend!? Izuku has friends?! Wait..NO that sounds so mean.
Izuku has grown physically stonger and faster. You wont deny that you felt jealous of him getting stronger, so you borrowed some of his training equipment without him knowing.
Your friendship with Toga was going pretty well, you expected her to murder you at one point for blood and drink it out of a straw.

She can be uncomfortably close at times and asks if you want to stab some people with her. Like WTF am i supposed to say yes and then I'll be on my merry way to kacchan!?.........on second thought maybe that isn't such a bad idea.

What would it be like to kill someone? Will it satisfied the itch at the back of my neck? I kinda want to know what it feels like to stab someone as they scream out in pain as their own blood begins to circle around them and-........woah there intuitive thoughts, don't go acting all edgy.

Maybe one day I'll take up her requset.

"Izuku?" He was staring at a fish....
Yo, you good bro?" You questioned.
"Izuku?!" Still staring at the fish while smiling...hehe "Are you okay?! Stop smiling at that fish!" He then snapped out of his own trance and apologised. "Ah, sorry.. I'm fine...!"

Later when you all finished your food, you and izuku sat on the sofa as your mother cleaned up the mess. Well only you now because for the 100th time today your brother zoned out but also working out his hands. You just left him to his own thoughts.

"The should come today or tomorrow right!?" Your mother asked izuku."mhm."
"Oh! Your dear old mother thinks its wonderful that you even tried!"

Bean boy next to you started to lifts some weights as you were engrossed in the TV show you are watching.
"Izu-izu izuku! Izuku!" You stopped what you were watching and turned to your mother. "Its here! The letter!! Its really here!" Why she on the floor?

Freckles went to his room to open the letter while you and your mother were waiting impatiently outside.
A few minutes pass when Izuku opened the door with tears of joy. "I got in!" That's the day when your eardrums were burst when your mother yelled.


殺人 𝓜𝓗𝓐 𝔁 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Where stories live. Discover now