Is that a dead body!?

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Leaping of your bed you dived for your phone and lay on the floor and began cursing out your cellular device your brother hearing every word and the ever-growing concern for your mental wellbeing began to grow. Ignoring your profanity he scrolled through his phone and searched up 'How to stop your twin sister from becoming psychotic...'

*Psychotic laughter has entered the chat*

'...home remedy edition I need this now'

Meanwhile at the league of doom...

My brain hurts....

Giving up on trying to contact Toga you began playing some games on your electronic box your eyes begging to see some natural light but you refused because you are a gremlin in disguise.

~Android whistling sound~

Bird eater-


OOOOoh!!! So now she decided to talk to me!! Well, I'm going to ignore it cus' revenge is cool!!

I need your help with something...
Don't call the police!! I trust you that you won't!

Apprentice in crime-

What in the living hell did you do!?

My knife accidentally slipped out of my hands...and


Stabbed someone in the heart....I need your help hiding the body

He's quite large.

........I-my brain really hurts now



Awwwww friendship goals~ But seriously I need your help.

Oh F- Where are you then!?

I'll call you...

Bird eater

Incoming call


Cautiously making your way through the back ally way of a stripper's club you sought for Toga and her dead body companion. Maybe all the times you thought Toga was 'joking' about being a murderer was true this ally way was notorious for a lot of crime such as murder, mugging, kidnapping and much more. "Toga." You hissed scared for what might happen to you. The ally may be empty right now but at night it for sure won't be and the sun will soon be setting. "Where the hell are you?"

Blonde hair and golden eyes peeked over a smelly old bin and had a great big smile on her face. "(N/n)!! There you are!! I've been waiting for so long!! Do you realise how smelly this bin is?!"

Silently marching over to her you kneeled beside her and scolded her for making so much noise. "Toga! Can you be quiet?! People could hear!" You passively-aggressively whispered. Toga giggled in response and patted your head. "Oh (Y/n) no need to worry! You're perfectly safe!!" She moved her hands to your freckled face and brought your now flustered freckled face close to hers to the point where your noses were touching. "I won't let anything happen to you." She assured taking her hands off your cheeks and clapping them together. "Now!! let's dispose of this body!"

Glancing beside her you spotted a fresh dead body his eyes were glossed over and void of any life. His mouth wide as trickles of blood ran down his chin it looked like he was letting out a scream of pain. Blood seeped through the stab wound and stained his clean white shirt as it began to pool around his body. His skin was pale from all the blood loss. "You....actually killed someone. So you were really not joking.."

"What?! of course not! Enough chit chatting its time to make a body disappear!" The cat-eyed girl sat up and grabbed under the dead man's armpits as she beckoned you to grab the ankles. Doing as she gestured you grabbed his ankles and hoisted him up....damn he was heavy. "So where are we going to put him?" You questioned.

"Hmmmmmm. I haven't thought about that." Toga murmured

"You haven't thought about it?! You bring me here without a plan!?" You groaned letting go of the ankles. "That's it I'm going to get arrested!"

At the sudden weight, Toga dropped the corpse as she watches you having a mid-life crisis. "What am I going to do with my life when I get arrested!? All the things I want to brag about to Kacchan has been thrown down the drain!! All the merch I've collected will be chucked away!! My life savings!! My life is deeeeeead!!!"

Everything went silent it was so silent that you could hear the rats scurrying behind bins and eating scrabs until Toga spoke up. "Ya done? Cus' the time you were being a big baby I figured out where to dump the body."

"You have?" You sniffled, toga nodded to confirm. "Okay!! Let's do this!!" Picking up the ankles once again you and your partner in crime dumped the 'body' in a hole that you both dug with spades you stole from a gardening shop. You obviously hid the body behind the dumpster while doing this and wrapped him up in bin bags. Toga suggested both of you should cut off his arms and legs which you shook your head at and cowered in the corner so she took him out of the bags and did the dirty work and then put his body parts in separate bags all in a back alleyway. (Well you did do one thing but she forced you to do it.) Then you were off to find a grassy area.

After two gruelling hours, you and Toga had finally disposed of the body and you were again having a mid-life crisis. You repeated the same lines as before.

"Calm down (Y/n)!! we won't get found out!"

"What do you mean 'calm down'!! I just assisted at murderer!! I have blood on my hands and shirt because you made me hold one of the bags as you tried to throw a bloody arm in the bag!! Which of course failed!! You have blood on you too!! And we're in an alleyway!! Very suspicious!!" You stared at her with frantic eyes as she just giggled at your state.

"I mean it was your fault too!! if you had your eyes open to catch it in the bag then you wouldn't have blood on you!! You screamed like such a baby!!"

"I-Wha!?! No That's not-"

"What's this about a murderer? Huh?" You and Toga slowly turned your heads in the direction of the voice.







It was the hero Ingenium.

殺人 𝓜𝓗𝓐 𝔁 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu