Birthday pt2

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I got chicken nuggets and sat on the curb to eat them. It had been about 15 min so, and decided to go skateboarding for a little and then go home. I went home and went to my bunk (bottom) . "Carl you up" i asked "mhm" he responded "do you want to go do something" "mhm" he replied. He got ready and gets his skateboard. "Let's go see if hunter or your girlfriend are awake." "Okay". He got up and got dressed,we went to hunters house first since it was the closest,i climbed up a tree that was next to his room and knocked on the window. "How did you do that" carl asked "practice,where did you think I go when I leave." Hunter opened his window, "Happy Birthday" i looked at my watch and read 1:36 "thanks,now let's go" i jumped out the tree and waited for hunter. He eventually got down,"how do you do thst so easily" hunter asked "practice" i replied. "Happy birthday carl" "thanks" he says. "where is you girlfriend's house" i asked carl. "8 blocks away" u said ok and went to her house. I had to climb another tree since those dingbats don't know how, luckily she was awake. I knocked on her window she opened it and I said," Hi,I don't think you know me but my name is Flynnagin Gallagher you can call me Flynn I'm Carl's twin sister he is down on the ground next to my boyfriend and we were wondering you wanted to hangout,we might go to my other friends houses to introduce them to you since your new." She wave hi to Carl and Hunter,"Hi my name is Dom and I would gladly join you guys, oh and happy birthday by the way" "thanks" i replied. I jump out the tree and Dom follows,"how did you get down so fast" dom asked "practice" the boys both say. "Do you want to go to my friends house they are not that far" I asked Dom she said yes. We went to iggy's house and she was with Jax. Luckily she has a one story house so we all went to the window and knocked, she looked outside and saw us waving, she opens the window and grabed Jax and jumping out the window. ( they all have skateboards by the way). "Hi my name is Iggy and this is my boyfriend Jax" iggy introduces herself and jax and Dom introduces her self to them. That all took about an hour and 30 mins just to climb trees and jump off trees and get your friend "Where do you want to go" carl asked, "anything open" Hunter asked. "I think baskin robins" Iggy says "ya I would like some ice cream" i responded. So we all went to Baskin Robins (you chose what you order). After that we went to the park to go eat our ice creams and play there for a while. And after we had some fun on the streets until sunrise. I was sunrise and we were dropping every one off one by one not trying to get caught and we were all going to meet up later and it was just me and carl, when we got home we ran upstairs and carl changed and I stayed in my clothes since I told fi I was going out anyways and we both flopped on our beds. I was 9:00 and fi went to go wake up Carl and was surprised to see me asleep so she woke every one up. Fiona had already done breakfast and put one singular poptart in the toaster. Then we all ran downstairs. "Happy Birthday Flynnagin And Carl" shouted Frank he was the only one that called you by your full name. "I Have brought gifts" he gave Carl ten dollars and he gave me a box of poptarts, I was already surprised that he remembered carls and I's birthday and was even more surprised thT he brought gifts. "Thanks Frank" we both say. After breakfast we got our gifts.
Fiona- a white cardigan
Lip- some vans
Ian-a new skate board
Debbie- two boxes of poptarts
Carl-old style brown shoes
Liam- a box of poptarts
Kevin and Veronica-electric guitar (including everything you need)
Fiona: black sweater
Lip:some vans
Ian:a new skateboard
Debbie: two bags of chips
Flynnagin: a chain and a hoddie
Liam:a box of can sodas
Kevin and v: 200 dollars
Fiona said that she had announcement to make so we all turned to her," For the past few months our so we all have been cleaning out our attic and basement. Since you to were getting older we wanted to give you guys you own space so we all pitch in and made the basment and attic you guys room if isn't much but it is something, the basement is carls and the attic is Flynns we both ran our separate ways to go to our rooms and see how it looks

 Since you to were getting older we wanted to give you guys you own space so we all pitch in and made the basment and attic you guys room if isn't much but it is something, the basement is carls and the attic is Flynns we both ran our separate way...

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************************************We both ran back up at the same time to say thanks to everyone and they all said your welcome

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We both ran back up at the same time to say thanks to everyone and they all said your welcome. "Wow they are really twins,they came up here at the same time" Debbie says "yep, twins" Fi responded
A/N- I know that the Gallaghers are poor and that is mainly the whole point of the show but just image that they are pretty wealth not that poor but not that rich so ya pt3 coming tomorrow <3

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