。˚Should have killed me。♡. ཾ •

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Feelings of guilt flooded my chest when I saw the look on Ellie's face was one of exhaustion. I don't want to add onto her stress but I also needed to get my point across. Knowing this still didn't stop my guilty conscience. After a beat of silence, she muttered an "ok" and proceeded to tell us we where stopping at Joel's once Dina approached. As we made our way to the Miller home Dina spoke of Tommy's great escape. Finishing with a "Fucking Tommy" that I couldn't help but sigh along with.

"This makes getting to Seattle a lot harder" Ellie acknowledged. "Then it's gonna be harder" Dina determinedly followed up her statement. This didn't surprise me considering in all the years I've known her now, she's never been one to turn down a challenge. "You can still change your mind, you know...the both of you." Beating me to it Dina answered "I know." Trying to lighten the gloomy mood I let out a chuckle before saying "You think I'd change my mind after that whole speech?" I paused and shook my head "Then I'd just look like a chicken." this earned a short laugh from the girls.

Ellie continued the conversation a few moments later. "I just don't want you guys to feel like you have to." Realizing that she was genuinely concerned that she was forcing us to be here saddened me. Before I could reassure her, Dina stopped us in our tracks. "Ellie" she uttered and gently took ahold of her cheek and shoulder.
"You go. I go." The tender display of affection before me caused my lips to curl. The love these women had for each other was a sight to see and it always warmed me to the core. "End of story" she finished by reaching over and giving my hand a squeeze.

Once we continued our walk it only took us a few moments to reach Joel's doorstep. I watched the sunlight melt and reflect off the icicles that draped over the roof. The lack of movement and sound of the door opening drew my attention. Seeing Ellie's hand shake as she reached for the doorknob brought a frown to my face.

Standing by her side I spoke "I can get everything for you. Just tell me what you need."
"I want to do it."
"Okay." She took a deep breath and wrapped her slender fingers around the knob in a tight grip.
"I'm okay. Come on" she added when she finally twisted it and pushed the door open.

˚.˚ .. ・゚✧*: ˚.˚ .. ・゚✧* ˚.˚ .

I watched Dina curiously look around the living area while Ellie went straight up the long wooden staircase. Stopping at one of the pictures the judaistic girl rocked onto the tips of her toes.
She then
bent her upper body forwards with a squint on her face trying to decipher the small writing. Seemingly after figuring it out she backed away, the motion making her wobble backwards once she planted her feet again.

I held in a giggle as my arms involuntarily reached out to steady her. Dinas light, breathy chuckle tickled my ears as she looked back at me. Our breaths entangled as our eyes searched one another's. "Well aren't you quick.." she said, a loving smile forming. "...Always their to catch me."
Her expression triggered a smile to form on my own brown lips, slightly chapped from the wear of the weather against them.

The self awareness caused me to try to moisten them. Dina's eyes flickered towards my nose then continued to trail down before landing on the now slightly damp plumpness, Almost like she couldn't help but let her eyes wonder.
My arms were still wrapped around Dina's body and absorbing as much warmth as they could. The house seemed so much colder today, save for the spots where the sunlight filled the room.

A rapid knock sounded at the front door, snatching our attention. Breaking apart I took a step backwards towards the door."I'll go see who that could be." I nervously chuckled.
"Ok." She uttered and took a swallow. "I'll- uh I'll get Ellie." She uttered with a shy smile. That unexpected visitor made me feel like we'd been caught in the act, causing this nervousness in the air.

I  cleared my throat then let out a "Cool" and spun around to head towards the front entrance. Stopping midway I adjusted my hair and clothing. I'm still pretty proud of myself for making my own hair ties out of the fabric of old shirts I found.
All the 'pre-outbreak' scrunchies I had broke before I could even pull my hair through.

I even made one for my two highly skilled partners in crime and I'm happy to see them getting a lot of use. We can't kick ass with hair in our faces after all..well except for Ellie. I opened the door only to see a clearly angry Maria on the other side of the maple.

I bowed my head to avoid eye contact as I stepped to the side and let her in. She stood in the doorway and stared me down until Dina came around the corner with Ellie at her side, who immediately caught Maria's heated stare. She looked back into the blonde woman's eyes, her face hardened and ready to stand her ground. We all knew how stubborn Ellie could be. Hell that was one of the things that me and her had in common.

Knowing we were in for a lecture I moved to sit at the table and as Dina sat by my side and Ellie stood at my back with her arm resting on the chair, I knew no matter what we would be going through with this plan, and we were doing it together despite our prior spat. We were all on the same page. Seeing this through to the end Is the only thing that matters...Those motherfuckers are gonna wish we were dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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