Shopping 。˚♡. ཾ•

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The nippy Jacksonville air was harsh on my skin as I stood in front of the gates. Jesse was giving us one of his pep talks while we stood by our horses ready for patrolling. I was only half listening as usual, Jes could be a bit long-winded sometimes.

Feeling a tap on my right arm I turned to see Gramps handing me a protein bar. "No thanks" I denied."Take it, Empress. I don't wanna hear you complaining later and trying to rush me back home 'cause your hungry." He said shoving the food towards me demandingly.

"Guess I don't really have a choice huh?" Originally I was supposed to be paired with Dina and Ellie but lucky me! Grandpa's partner got injured.
"No, not really."
Deciding I'd let him win this one I rolled my eyes and slipped the bar into my backpack. Glancing to my left I caught Ellie's eyes.
Her gaze was deep and longing.

I felt a rush of emotions flow through me.
It felt like we'd been staring at each other for hours. Needing a break from her piercing eyes I looked away from her only to get stuck in another's intense stare. To my surprise, Dina was also steadily observing me. Her eyes were just as needy, the contact making me lose track of time the same way.

This time Ellie calling for her attention is what broke me out of the sweet hypnosis. They began whispering back and forth for a minute, glancing at me every so often. I watched them from a short distance with a raised brow and questioning look. The hell are they whispering about? Dina gave me a half smile and dismissively shook her head and faced forward again.

Ellie met my eyes again, cracking a smile as well. Hearing that Jesse finished speaking our attention was brought back to the day that awaited us outside these walls. Outside, where it's always kill or be killed. I settled down on opal, palming the saddle horn for some sense of comfort.

As the gates loudly clanked and creaked open my mind became lost in flashes of me crying over the dog's still body, the canine blood soaking the knees of my jeans and leaving a nasty stain.

Feeling myself moving I snapped out of my recollection of yesterday's events. Realizing it was Opal following Gramps toward our patrol route I steadied myself. Grabbing the reins I gently dug my feet into her sides and made a noise telling her to speed up.

Once I rode up next to Gramps, I could see him grinning at me through my peripheral. He quickly faced forward again when I attempted to look him in the face. "What is it?"
He ignored my question and continued staring ahead grinning. "Ok I'll ask again, seriously What is it, dude? Something on my face?"

He chuckled and shook his head then proceeded to ask "So where were you the other night?" with a grin still firmly in place. "Oh, ya know the usual, at Ellie's. I still don't get what's so funny here." I'm not sure what he's trying to get at unless he knows that we- no. I mean how could he know that I finally made my move on Ellie when he wasn't even around right?

"Funny? No nothing's funny. I'm just proud of you is all! That is if what a little birdie told me was correct, You finally grew a pair and kissed Ellie!"

Gasping in disbelief I let out a groan. "Euggh Gramps who told you that? How the hell do you always have your little spies everywhere?"
Shaking his head again he corrected me. "Just some nosey friends kid, not spies."

Friends? More like parent patrol. Dedicated to busting up parties and just about ruining all the lives of Jackson's teenage population. "You got the nosey part right. I liked it better when you were a loner old man. At least then I could keep my secrets-secret." I pouted.

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