Chapter 27: Kiss Me

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Some were very specialized in a specific skill or sense, while others were damned to flee from every sound for the rest of their days.

The instinct to survive was a terribly strong one. Screaming, kicking, clawing to the surface with profound strength. This instinct found in every creature on earth drove life to reproduce and birth a new generation into this cold, cruel world.

But there was more to their bodies than beneath their skins. Some sported claws and canines to protect themselves or to continue their survival by hunting for their meals. Powerful jaws, speed, intelligence, strength, agility. Those were some of the qualities that could be found in predator and prey alike.  Those were some of the qualities that could be found in those built for survival.

Those who lacked efficient, natural hunting or sprinting skills had brains that were built to outsmart everything and everyone else. These were the beings that relied not on their strength or speed to flee or fight the danger but on their brains. They could build fortresses and weapons and clothes. They could write laws and speak with eloquent words of wisdom that would help protect their future generations.

Even in humanity's worst of times, survival was nearly always a priority.

Their lives were built on survival. The ache to live. The urge to thrive. The instinct to survive.

And for one to willingly deny - reject their basic instincts, their basic biology to survive, the damage they must have suffered was great.

Kyros had gone silent for several moments. His fists were loosely clenched, his eyes drifting off into a realm of bitter emptiness.

"I felt empty. Worthless. If guilt was a fever, I was deathly sick with it. So ill with it, that I was sure it would be my death sentence." Kyros whispered.

He looked down at Asheria who looked up at him. No trace of emotion was written on her face. She simply listened.

"I knew that I was never destined to live in the first place. To live to old age, of course. It's something that was unfathomable to me. I felt like I was born on this earth to die early. My purpose was to be nothing but a beast who would live the rest of his short life in pain. That's what I believed I was damned to."

"So you longed to grant the destiny you were certain of," Asheria spoke quietly.

"Yes," He said, looking down at Asheria, now aware of how close they were standing, "And yet, I failed. I could not escape the true destiny that has been carved into stone."

"And what is your true destiny?" Asheria asked.

"Well, I do believe that I am to be your king," A grin spread across Kyros' face, an expression that Asheria found to be truly endearing.

His smile was contagious, and for the first time, Kyros felt his heart - his soul truly jolt in his body that caged it. He had never felt such things while he was with Candie, and for a fleeting moment, he wondered why. But thoughts were erased when he looked into Asheria's eyes which flickered like the candles around them. They were as golden as the sun and more beautiful than any precious stone or serene landscape he had witnessed.

His wolf felt vibrant and full of life, yapping inside of him and wagging his tail like a puppy in excitement. Kyros smiled a toothless smile, and, without thinking, he placed both his hands on either side of Asheria's face and pulled her head gently forward.

He proceeded to plant a single kiss on her forehead.

Asheria felt tingles dance around her body and ripple down her spine and quietly absorbed the feeling. She felt surprised Kyros had made such a move, and she wanted to be the one to do so next.

His Fading HumanityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora