As I turn away to walk into the change rooms I don’t miss Robin reminding me, “Don’t take too long!” like usual.

After showering and putting my jeans on I can’t help but stare at the viper tattoo on my arm. Robin’s friend had done a good job and asked no questions about age, which Rob had predicted, but still I’d been terrified to get it, but it was worth it completely.

“Mathis! You out?” Robin knocks on the door, being too lazy to actually come in and see that I was in fact standing there.

I let a laugh escape my lips before responding, “In a second.” I call as I pull a white tank out of my bag pulling that on before pulling a black jumper over the top.

I go through everything searching for my glasses, that didn’t seem to be in my bag.

“Looking for these kid?” I just stop myself from jumping at the deep male voice that came from right beside me.

How had I not heard him come in?

I zipped my bag closed and stood up tall, despite only being sixteen I was still almost the exact same height as the buff man who stood before me, but I certainly wasn’t as muscled. Something I tried to ignore.

I allow my eyes to leave his face and glance at his hand where he was holding my glasses, probably my first mistake to be honest.

Why was it a mistake? Because I wasn’t paying attention to his other hand, which happened to grab me by the back of the jumper and yank me back, ultimately choking me on the material for a few seconds before loosening his grip.

“What are you doing in my gym kid?” He spits at my face, his face close enough that I could smell his breath, which annoyingly reeked of onions and mustard.

When I don’t respond he gives me a shake.

“You deaf kid? I said what are you doing,”

“Mr Pierce,” I hear Robin before I see him as he interrupts the man, “He’s with me.”

‘Mr Pierce’ looks over his shoulder at Robin who pushes his, at that time, long brown hair off of his face, before just letting me drop.

Something I wasn’t expecting and couldn’t get my footing in time and end up sitting on the floor, my glasses get thrown on my stomach as I’m still down and I immediately put them on before pushing myself off the floor so I was standing.

However I was no longer being paid attention to as Mr Pierce’s attention was now on Robin.

“Was that necessary Jarvis?” Robin sighs glancing at me briefly before turning back to the man.

“You know the rules Jones, no kids under fifteen.” Jarvis Pierce grumbles and I feel my hands automatically clench.

I watch as Robin tilts his head slightly, “Good thing he’s sixteen then, come on Kaiden.” Robin’s eyes turn to me as I pick up my bag and head over to Robin, having to wait for Jarvis Pierce to move before I could get out.

The man turns to me and gives me a look over, “You could be a good fighter,” He surprises me by saying in a gruff voice, “But only if you push your personal problems out of your head, they’ll only make you lose. Have a good night boys.” He adds before pushing past Robin and walking out the change rooms.

Robin makes a sound of approval which has me raising an eyebrow at him, “He was watching you.” He states, “Good job. Come on, lets go.”

Retrieving Love (Sequel to TBGATGB)Where stories live. Discover now