"Hey, Cas. Will you come with me to the front desk? We need more towels, and the desk lady doesn't like me," Jax asked, standing abruptly and grabbing Cas by the elbow so he could drag him out the door.

Rei waited a few moments making sure they couldn't hear her even with the door shut before sitting back on the bed with Dean; he shook his head, saying it was Nothing; he was just feeling a little out of place.

"Bullshit," Rei called out, breaking the silence and causing the man before her to jump. "I know that look. I saw it every day for the past year," Rei spoke firmly, making Dean look at her by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know if I did something wrong, " Dean finally confessed after some more coaxing from Rei.

"what happened?" Reid questioned, moving so that was now situated beside the human.

Dean took a deep breath before he began telling Rei everything that had happened in the last two days, how they had added a few elements to their sex life. Now he believes that maybe Cas is thinking differently about him.

"Let me get this straight... Cas brought some BDSM elements into your relationship but doesn't check-in?" Rei asked, making sure she heard him right.

Dean nodded, feeling slightly better now that he told someone. He continued to tell Rei about everything he had kept hidden, but he still wasn't comfortable enough to bring it up with Cas. He was already becoming distant.

"I'm going to kick his ass! You are starting to come down with rejection sickness. I swear l love my brother, but he is so stupid," Rei admitted in annoyance. Getting up off the bed and charging towards the door, stopping abruptly when it opened to allow Cas to walk in. He was holding a bundle of towels. Rei folded her arms across her chest with an annoyed expression as she began tapping her foot on the ground, staring at her brother.

"What did I do?" Cas asked after noticing Rei, feeling slightly unnerved by the intensity of her stare.

"Apparently, not a damn thing!" She snapped at him and walked out the door, pushing past Jax in the process.

"Babe, wait," Jax called out, following after her, the door closing as he went.

Cas looked at Dean, who shook his head, muttering under his breath that 'it was Nothing. Rei was just overreacting as usual'. Cas nodded and set the towels down on the chair before making his way over to Dean.

"You can tell me if something is wrong," Cas stated honestly, sitting next to Dean.

"I know now, let's go back to our room," Dean advised, standing up, holding out his hand to Cas.


Dean sighed as he walked into his dorm room; his full week of classes after the awesome vacation was kind of a buzzkill. Part of him was still upset that Cas didn't want to go sightseeing with him. He flopped down on his bed, hearing the crinkle of paper under his pillow, and groaned in annoyance. He reached under and pulled out the note; he unfolded it, reading what was written.

"There's Still Time To Change The Road You Are On."

Dean crumpled the paper and tossed it into the wastebasket before laying back down, closing his eyes for a moment, only to open them again when the sound of his door opened.

"Hey, Brotha. You wanna go to a party tonight?" Benny's familiar voice asked, the sound of the mattress creaking from the weight as he sat down on his bed across from Dean. Opening his eyes and sitting up, he took in his friend's appearance. The man was already set to go.

Blood & Lust: Part two of the Vampire Cas series Where stories live. Discover now