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Previously on, Over Seductive

    When it started to get around 12, Jungkook layed down to try and get some sleep before the operation. Everyone else did to. Yoongi turned the lights off and everyone started going to sleep. But Jungkook couldn't sleep, he tried, but couldn't.

     Jimin stirred and rolled over to face Jungkook, "its cold kookie.." Jimin said sleepily. Jungkook snickered and grabbed Jimin and pulled the smaller body to his. Jimin rested his head on Jungkooks chest and sighed. "You smell nice kook.." Jimin said before he fell back asleep. Sleep that followed Jungkook, till it swallowed him up.


     When the new day arrived, the sunshine over Jungkooks face woke him. The new light seeping through the window greeted him, wishing him better luck then he thought he would have. He looked around, but he couldn't move, because Jimin was still holding on tight to him. Jungkook softly smiled as Jimin started to stir again.

    "G'morning.." Jimin said a bit sluggishly. When Jimin sat up Jungkook followed the actions, he watched as Jimin looked around. "Where is Hoseokie and yoongles..?" He whimpered sleepily. "I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked all night to be honest Jiminie." Jungkook giggled.

      This was it. The day he'd get his surgery to be beautiful. "Jungkookie.." Jimin whispered and held onto Jungkook. "What is it?" Jungkook asked concerned as he held the older in his arms. "Don't go! I- I can look after you here! You don't need to go and leave us!" He cried loudly.

    Jungkook felt his heart twist and turn. It hurt to see Jimin like this, but he also didn't want to sacrifice his own happiness. But should he? Jimin was his best friend, had been since forever.

     "Jiminie.." Jungkook said while caressing the boys head," I'll still see you." He said and smiled to the smaller boy. Who in return sniffles and wiped his nose and eyes. "I know..but will you really though..?" He questioned.

     That Jungkook didn't have the answers to.

   Yoongi then appeared from, God knows where, and said, "Kook, want me to drive you to your Hospital?" Jungkook nodded. This was going to be a crazy day.


     When the four arrived, they all walked Jungkook in, but were then at once, told they couldn't be there. Jungkook felt nervous and clutched his fist in the pockets of his hoodie.  A nurse brought him to a room and told him to wait for his doctor.

   Waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting. That was all he did for about two hours. Jungkook kept his entertainment by watching Netflix on his phone, the show was My Hero Academia, at the scene were Overhaul finally got over taken by Shigiraki. After a few more minutes of waiting, a doctor finally came to his room.

  "Jeon Jungkook?" The woman said. "That would be me ma'am." Jungkook replied. The doctor walked in and smiled brightly at Jungkook. "Hello Mr. Jeon, I am Dr. Alice, I am American, but a I hope we can get along." Dr. Alice said while keeping her smile.

     He instructed Jungkook to follow her, which he did. And they entered another room. It was all white, a single bed and lots of tools and syringes. Jungkook started to feel a bit scared as he told himself to calm down.

    "Mr. Jeon, please sit on the bed." She asked softly still smiling and Jungkook, again, did as he was told. "Feel free to make your self comfortable." She said, "I'll be right back Jungkook." And she left.

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