Chapter 1

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"Mister Henz?"

I nodded.

"Jake Henz."

The driver hesitated. "Sir, you really want to visit this place?"

I am a very busy man. "Yes, I clearly stated that in the travel confirmation." I replied impatiently. The man furrowed his eyebrows.

"Okay then. My name is Neville. Just cooperate with me and will be okay after your trip." His tone seemed fearful.

By now, I was getting a bit angry with the man. He was being hesitant, doubtful and slow, all which I despised. I tried to control myself not to be so mad.

"Neville, you seem to be a bit apprehensive. Is there anything wrong regarding my trip?"

"Well, this place, doesn't have-- urm, a good history."

I was really getting mad with this apprehensive man. I had an important article to write.

"Just take me there."

"Okay then, if you insist."

I got onto the boat and we left the dock soon after. It was a half- hour journey. When I reached the place, Neville was preparing to depart. But before he left, he told me to watch out, and stay safe.

Psh. I'm wasn't superstitious like him or anything like that. Their dock was much more simpler than the one I had just left. The wood looked like it was decomposing, seaweed was caught on the handles...basically not a nice place. Can't blame them for being so isolated. A rusty metal sign read "Welcome to Woodville" Beside the word "Woodville" there were some letters in brackets, probably the local name of the village.

This place clearly hadn't been revamped in a while. These five days...were going be a long, long wait.

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