Sera: I thought you liked her John

John: I hate all of you

Blueberry: ah yes Seraphina's trolling her boyfriend

John: imma head out

Sera: be back by 6

Shazam: what kind of cake would he like

Asslo: cake is a sign of oppression

Sera has temporarily muted Asslo

Shazam: what cake

Sera: vanilla

Soulless: what should we gift him

Sera: hair gel

Pumpkin king: and what kind of soda does he like

Sera: you mean pop

Shazam: we aren't gonna have this argument again

Sera: he likes Diet Coke

Sera: he's weird

John: Diet Coke is the best

Sera: stfu and go play Jurassic world evolution

John: imma just head out

Shazam: does he like balloon

Claire: lol he loves them

Sera: make sure to get the big ones we'll be back by 8

Shazam: it's a surprise

Soulless: he can literally see this chat

Pumpkin king: fr Remi is pathetic

Shazam: alright you guys are about to die

Claire: lol

Sera: whatever just make sure there is no blood

Sera: is your dad gonna come over John

John: nah he has to go see his publisher

Pumpkin king: don't you work for them Claire

Claire: no I work for his editor

Asslo: you guys are dumb and you tried to silence the truth

Sera has muted Asslo

John: imma beat his ass

6 hours later

John: why is there blood on my wall

Shazam: no mercy

Soulless: No Russian?

Pumpkin king: Federation Day?

John: wtf does this have to do with the blood on my wall

Blueberry: you kinda beat up arlo

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