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Pumpkin King: you know what month it is

Soulless: December

John: are you joking blyke

Soulless: I want it to be December already

Sera: what's important in the month of November

Shazam: I think I already know

Asslo: you guys are childish

John: Looks like someone already lost NNN

Sera: I don't understand

Shazam: it's no nut November

Sera: I guess John already lost

John: what

Pumpkin king : is this true

John: no

Sera: wtf you had a nit this morning I was there

Soulless: I think Sera thinks NNN is not eating nuts

Sera: what other Nut is there

Shazam: I'm surprised I know what nut they are talking about and not Seraphina

Sera: what are we talking about the white nut

John: yes

Sera: John lost last night

John: what are you talking about

Pumpkin king: last night was Halloween so if the activity started at 11:59 and ended at 12:01 it still counts

Sera: it started at 11 but ended at 2

John: why are we letting them know about this

Soulless: I can proudly say I last longer than John

John: you might want to check that out

John: yeah and arlo would know

Asslo: I'm not gay

Pumpkin king: I am looking into if John lost already

Claire: on a scale of  1 to gay Arlo is gay

Blueberry: when did this chat become a bully arlo chat

Asslo: thank you

John: i decided to bully arlo when he decided to try and hump me

John:* jump

Claire: when autocorrect fails you

Soulless: damn I didn't know arlo liked that

Pumpkin king: arlo is a sub

John: Sera are you ok

Asslo: I didn't try and jump you

Sera: arlo I might've said this before but you are dead when I get my ability back

Claire: don't you already have your ability back

Message deleted

John: what did you send Claire

Claire: a funny picture

Sera: it was the funniest of pictures in fact it was the funniest picture I have ever seen

Pumpkin king: John I just met up with officiating you in fact did not lose however if you do that shit next year you lost

Soulless: Every man during NNN

Soulless: Every man during NNN

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