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"What in the..."

A silver-eyed brunette finds herself barefooted and on her back in the middle of a forest floor. Sitting up, the girl observes her surroundings having no idea how she ended up there when the last thing she remembered was reading a random celebrity gossip article on her computer.

There was something familiar about this forest. She gently places her palms on the luscious green grass before digging her fingers into the moist soil. 

Potent, warm, otherworldly, and very ancient.

The girl lightly chuckles as she feels the familiar energy traverse through her hands and up to her spine. It felt like home. The girl hasn't been home in a few years. Not since her and Zafrina had some business to attend in the Amazon involving poachers.

The girl stands up and deeply inhales the unique yet familiar petrichor. There was always something so different about the smell of this forest but she supposes that that's just her sensitive nose picking up on the faint traces of magic in the earth. Or maybe that's just faint traces of wet dog she's smelling. 

She tentatively walks over to a nearby fir tree and gingerly caresses its trunk. It whispers, "You must come back."

"Huh?" The girl retracts her hand, confused.

"Come back..."

"Come back..."

"Come back..."

The soft whispers from each tree slowly increased in volume with each repetition, echoing thunderously in the girl's head. The voices were  loud and relentless (and annoying) so much so that the girl decided to walk away from the forest. It seemed like the voices still followed her so broke into a run.

The girl needed to get out of there. She had no idea where she was going but it felt like something was tugging her to a certain direction. For each tree she passed by, the voices slowly dwindled (her migraine didn't).

A little ways ahead of her, she saw an opening and a faint outline of a building. The girl fell into a jog towards the building but quickly picked up her pace again when her acute hearing picked up what sounded like a tire screech. The girl nearly tripped over an overgrown root when an ear-piercing scream echoed through the peaceful surrounding.

Fearing for the worst, the girl leaped over a tree stump and shifted into a silver cheetah. She sped through the greenery, nimbly dodging larger rocks and overgrown roots, and burst through the forest and into... a high school parking lot?

The cheetah jumped onto a random sedan before shifting back into the silver-eyed brunette. She watches, her posture rigid, as a truck skids towards a shock-frozen long-haired brunette and golden streak zipping across the parking lot. She winces at the loud bang that followed and hopped off the sedan to make her way to the incident.

When the girl had gotten close enough, she noticed the prominent palm-sized dent in the truck's side and oh-so familiar bronze hair and literally dead skin of dent maker.

The girl pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance and lets out an exasperated sigh.

Why the hell couldn't the trees just say 'Come back to Forks because some stupid vampire quite possible has revealed the existence of his kind to rando high school chick' and be done with it?

"I'm SO gonna fucking kill that bloodsucker."

PRIMUS (Paul Lahote)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon