Dec. 9

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"First snow"

"First snow"

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[ Y/n ]

I woke up suddenly to rocks hitting my window. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Another rock hit my window and I opened it. Richie was standing below and he smiled at me. "Richie?"

"Hey sleeping beauty."

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "What's up?" I asked. "Why don't you look?" I looked up and noticed snow. I gasped and looked back down. There's was a thin layer of snow coating everything. "I'll be out in a second!" I quickly ran back into my room and changed. I pulled on a turtleneck, long sleeved dress, and thick tights.

I put on my boots and grabbed my scarf, jacket, and gloves. I walked downstairs as quietly as I could and wrote my parents a note.

Out getting breakfast with Richie

I fixed my hair in the mirror by the door before grabbing my hat and stepping outside. Richie saw me and put his cigarette out. I pulled my boots on and then my gloves, scarf, jacket, and hat. Richie walked over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "The sidewalk is icy so be careful." We held hands and walked into the woods.

Richie pulled out a flashlight and lit up our path. I held him close to me, feeling his warmth. "You look adorable right now." Richie noted. "Good." I answered a little groggily. This wasn't my best idea. "We'll wait in here until the snow has built up."

I nodded and climbed into the clubhouse. It was already lit up and I turned to see the rest of the losers. Eddie was asleep on the hammock and everyone else was playing Monopoly. Beverly got up and hugged me. "Isn't it exciting?" I nodded and I sat down in one of the beanbags. Richie sat down next to me and kissed the side of my head. "I'm still tired." I muttered to him. He nodded and pat his lap.

"Wait." He asked Bill to hand him a pillow and Bill did. I lifted my head and he slid it under my head. I laid back down and held Richie's hand.

. . .

"They're way cuter when they're asleep then you Eddie."

"Richie too?"

"When he's asleep with Y/n. Yes."

"Whatever, who's waking them up?"

It was quiet and I shifted. I opened my eyes and all of the losers backed up. I sat up and stretched for a moment before sighing. "We made cocoa." Mike handed me a mug and I thanked him. "It's snowed enough so wake up Richie." Eddie whispered. I nodded and reached over. I put my hand on his shoulder and lightly shook him awake.

Richie groaned and I took a sip of the cocoa. "Rich, it's time." He opened his eyes and fixed his glasses. "Yeah?" I nodded and passed him the cocoa. He thanked me and took a sip of it. Bill climbed up the ladder and pushed the hatch open. "Guys! C-come on!" I stood up and stretched. Richie also stood up and I gave him a hug.

He hugged me back and gave me the cocoa. I took one last sip before setting it back down. Everyone crawled out of the clubhouse, Richie was last. "What time is it?" I asked, as it was still pitch black. "1 am. Richie got you at 10." I nodded and smiled. We could hear the Christmas music playing from Richie's radio downstairs.

Last Christmas by Wham! is my favorite. There was so much snow, at least six inches. We shut the trap door and ran out to a more open area. "Wow! I love when it snows." Eddie sighed. Richie made a snowball and hit Eddie with it. "Hell yeah, first snowball thrown for the sixth year in a row. Next year we'll go for seven."

I laughed and Eddie made his own snowball. The boys all started a snowball fight but Beverly and I have been talking about making snowmen since October. We started building the snowman and told the boys to keep it over there so we didn't get hit. "It's not very dark." I noted. "All the Christmas lights from town are lighting the whole state up." She mumbled.

I nodded and helped her round out the bottom half. "I got a cute picture of you and Rich." I smiled and continued to pack snow together. "It's really fun with the boys." I noted. She nodded and we stacked the second large snowball on top of the first. We started making the last one but it kept breaking so we stopped to watch the boys.

Richie got hit in the face and lost his glasses. Mike, who threw that snowball, immediately ran over to help him. Beverly and I were quietly laughing because Richie was laughing and Mike was apologizing 100 times a second.

Mike handed Richie his glasses and apologized again. "Mike's on my team!" Richie shouted. "Hey! You said no teams!" Stan replied. "Well... You can have teams now."

Stan and Bill quickly grouped up and Ben and Eddie grouped up to hide behind a mound of snow.

. . .

Eventually we were all freezing so we went back down to the clubhouse. "It's almost sunrise." Mike noted. "We were out for that long?" Eddie noted. "Yeah, it's crazy. We were all having so much fun I guess we just forgot about time." I nodded and sighed. "I gotta be back by the time my parents are up."

Everyone agreed with me except Richie. "Damn... Alright, I'll walk you home. Bye guys."

We got a variety of goodbye's and stay safe's.

Richie and I walked back to my house hand in hand. He kissed the side of my head as I cuddled closer to him again. "Can I sleep over or will your parents freak?"

"They won't freak... Probably not at least. As long as we're both fully dressed. Conveniently, I bought us matching pajamas!" I pulled Richie down the sidewalk while he warned me it was still icy. We got to my house and I unlocked the front door. Richie and I snuck in and I sent him upstairs while I grabbed the note I'd left.

I walked upstairs and met him in my room. He was sitting on my bed so I quickly went and got out the pajamas. I tossed him his and quickly changed into mine. "I had fun tonight Rich."

"The fun doesn't have to be over yet..." He winked and I rolled my eyes. "Put your pj's on..."

. . .

Richie and I cuddled while listening to Christmas music. "It's like I can't escape it." He whispered. "You can't." I replied, regarding the music. Richie lightly kissed my head and I looked up to meet hit lips. "Goodnight Chee..."

"Goodnight princes."

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