C7: My New Life As A Demon Villainess

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"Jazaila, wants to go to garden" I finally said.

I saw father glancing at the garden then at his watch clearly troubled about what he's going to do.

Obviously, since by now, the crown prince will arrive with the king.

(*sigh) I have no choice even though I don't want to I still have to do it.


I asked as I blinked my eyes repeatedly, trying my best to look cute.


Finally! Calm down jazaila, stay calm! You need to get used to looking cute since you might use this technique in the future.

"I'll come with you"



"No, nanny will go with jazaila, father busy prepare, right?"

Then again I used that embarrassing technique.

"Aww, okay then, Sofia stay with jazaila have her go to the guest room when it's exactly 10 am"

He ordered a maid behind him.

Sofia walks up to the duke and bowed at him, she then went to my side.

"Come to the guestroom later, okay jazaila?"

"Yes, father!"

I smiled waving goodbye at him.


Now, let's get to business.

Sitting in the grass while plucking them out. I quickly glance at Sofia, the maid father ordered to watch over me.

I then glanced at the mansion and the surrounding.

Good, like I planned there are no other maids and knights in this area.

Now, all I have to do is to get rid of her.

"Nanny, jazaila want snacks"

"Young lady?" she sounded surprised.

"Jazaila is hungry, I want snacks"

Take the bait please, take the bait!


Now I've pulled out my specialty, there's no way she won't fall for that.

"Oh my, I understand young lady, I'll get some snacks now"

"Please stay right there, young lady"

Finally, she takes the bait.

I nodded happily as I smiled while waving at her.

"Okay, nanny!"

She blushed and held her arms tight by lastly looking at me as she then vanished from my sight.


Quickly getting up, I smirked as I saw no sight of a person here.

There's no time to waste.

As fast as a cheetah I ran quickly far away from the mansion.

Breathing heavily, I continued running even though my legs are short and I only take short strides I still ran as fast as I can.

I have to... If not I'll die in the future!

My future lies here... that's why I must run.

From here I can now hear multiple bells ringing, it seems it came from the mansion they must be looking for me right now.

I have to get far away even more!

Wait... (*huff *huff)

I can't... breathe.


I can feel my body falling...

As I fell, I felt the sharp leaves below me.


Is this grass?

I looked up to see-

Where am I?

Such a long field of grasses, I can see a bunch of trees far away from my right.

Is that a forest?

I then turned to my left there's also a bunch of trees. I'm satisfied though, I think I've already run far away from the duke's mansion.

But in what I'm standing right now it's just a wide field of grasses.

What the heck is this place?


Huh? Is there someone here?

D-Did someone from the mansion followed me?

I look up-

Wait... A tree?

When was this here? I didn't notice there was a tree-

"Such an idiot, to suddenly fall from all that running"

Huh? Seriously, who's talking? Did someone just call me an idiot?


I yelped when something fell on my head.

W-Who did that-


Another one?

This person is really testing my patience, huh-?

Before I got to stand up I froze, suddenly I started getting goosebumps... this feeling why am I feeling like this again?

This similar feeling of four years ago.

Trying to get it out of my mind, I touched the spot where I was hit as I quickly look up-

Ahh! A person's there!

Above the tree...

A small body leaning his back on a thick branch with legs crossed wearing shoes that are shiny like newly cleaned shoes, black pants, and white suit.

With a face that can make everyone stop from their business and just stare at that face, an eye-catcher I must say. Such enchanting emerald green eyes and red hair...?

And why is he sitting so arrogantly-? Wait. That smoke...

"Would it take a long time to just look up? What were you doing there kissing the grass?"


Did I read someone as rude as him in the novel?

"Right, an Idiot like you might have"

I take back what I said about him a while ago, I feel disappointed at myself that I almost sounded like a girl in love while describing his looks.

Eck-! I want to puke. But really...

Who is he?- No.

Who is this brat?


My New Life As A Demon Villainess (UNDER REVISION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ