(6) Photoshoot

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Vidhi's POV:

I dressed up early, eager for the photoshoot we were all gathering for. Heading downstairs, I checked the arrangements.

"This isn't the place. I'm sending you the location of where we're going today," I told the driver.

"Vidhi, where are the props? I've been looking everywhere," Aryav exclaimed, running up to me.

"I've kept the props in the car. Aryav, why are you so tense? Everything will be arranged on time," I reassured him, handing him a bottle of water.

"Hi, Vidhi, you look so pretty today," Kabir complimented as he approached me.

"Thanks, Kabir. You don't look bad yourself," I replied, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"By the way, where are we going?" he asked.

"Lake Como," I replied.

"Wow, it'll be great," he said.

"I know I'm great," I said proudly.

"Narcissist," he teased, and I shot him a playful glare.

Soon, everyone arrived and settled into the car.We reached our destination, and the photoshoot was delightful as our couplesposed for their photos, along with everyone else.

First, our soon-to-be-wed couple had their photos taken.

"Guys, you look great, yaar. I love you both so much," I said, complimenting their pictures and poses.

Aryav and Kavya were having their pictures taken when Rishabh (Aryav's friend) came and took the boys away, whispering something in their ears.

All the boys came back and lifted Aryav up while he was posing with Kavya, just to get a funny photo. The others laughed at their antics.

Then it was time for another couple friends' photos, and Kabir was teaching Rishabh how to pose.

"Watch, I'll show you how to do it," Kabir said to Rishabh, pulling me close by my waist.

"There's no need. Rishabh understood. Right, Rishabh?" Aryav said.

"Yeah, bro," Rishabh laughed, looking at Kabir.

"Waah, bro, your photo came out so well. Come on, thank me. Your photo turned out so good because of me," Kabir said proudly.

"Yeah, bro, thank you so much," Rishabh thanked him.

Now, us girls were getting our photos taken with our soon-to-be bride.

"Wow, girls, you all are looking damn hot!" Advik complimented us as we were getting our photos taken.

"Speak respectfully, they're your future sisters-in-law," Aryav said and playfully hit Advik on the head.

"Vidhi isn't one yet," he replied.

"She will be soon-to-be," Kabir whispered in his ear.

I heard that because I was standing very close to him.

"I heard that," I said, eyeing him, and he kept quiet, probably because he didn't have an answer or was trying to hide his feelings.

Kabir's POV:

"Bro, look what I brought," Rishabh said, bringing a bottle of beer.

"Rishabh, not here. If Kavya sees, she'll scold," Aryav said to him.

"Oh, this is just for the photoshoot. We'll drink it tomorrow at the bachelor's party," Rishabh said, getting excited.

"Okay, now it's our turn," Aryav said, and we, his groomsmen, went with him to get our photos taken.

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