penguinfan28's dare with Legolas_

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P- XD I'm older then you, and make Brice a old man

L- Yassss!!!

B-Wait what

E- Come on! Penguinfan28 how old are you? I'm only 10. Are you ready Brice

S- So I'm young and Brice will be old

E- Yup but I'll turn him back before he you know dies

B- OK can I trust you?

E- Maybe *Looks around*

S- Don't do it please

B- I'm ready

E-*Turns Brice into a old man that is 60 years old* There

S-Give us more questions and dares

B- I'm so old why penguinfan28 why

E-*Giggles* Bye my peeps

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